Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 366, 13 January 1892 — Truth is Mighty and will Prevail Your Mouth Piece. [ARTICLE]

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Truth is Mighty and will Prevail Your Mouth Piece.

Mc«Br« rianters . In w»pjy to Mr. Alcx. 'Voung in j itbc i'. ('. A. <>f tht» ]2th inst M picms« | remct»ber that rou ha vf hud the v | Uhor inarket umier <ru«trol fur 16 jyeart, dcifi»g whieh Uiu* you ninie eapiial out uf hibottr, uml during ail of thoBe loi»je yeare yo\i hftve < nhown ii «tror»g det<irv an<) havc party aeoomplislio4 our rtiin, vou replaoe<i whito atid imtiv(i tcftmi>t«r, firen>en. »>ogineer«, a»d iu faet all kindK of )nVKiur, with the ii»iatir ehiuip h«)t(*h. Vou uidod! him to Ht««al the knowledge froni | j thf* foru)irii uieeimnie*, &nd a» noon' a» ht* th<* Asist k', «'OuUi <ii> ;i botcii jol» vou h:irge«l your whiioinai) and nativ«' tcHinKter mid flreman. JThe xaim»tliifig vou nrcdoing to-day i ritsht under tho eve» of the|K*ooltvof Houoiulu. aini no farth<»r away than tho Kwa I*lAt.tation, th« inhta»eeii nr« t«» numeroue to im>ntioir \Vhy tii»»n!fore. ahouhi you f<c( l «urprirte<l |U» titid Ui« ,deteruiined to Utkfe the jmatu*r int«i oiir oun h;tndi<. Wi» i will deal «qt!»reiy Hy you in the |mfttt« r-t>t fi<«Jd miml miil l;»bur. Htit <you n«>v« r <iid aitd iiifvrr.wi.ll given !utj an nv. The <lay of j retr»Vntion w u;wi) V4»u, uo i truKt you <with our &te nny Kaignr, We. |Kior itiv(i i»ativrtf will j-bav« •» Jtrg<i siy iii ' li«* nium» aud ■ diet.itetoy.ou ' Ik* i>nllot iu>x, aJ! \ >Mir v> r^iHity ;»p«l Kui*idi«dd,and rt i»orti«;ti «»f th«i*fwjrni. ,m»l p> r}atukd** n? o(T tnufk. M »:«• ;:itO|j. ] Vi».v' lWt J ». i