Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 366, 13 January 1892 — Political Echos. [ARTICLE]

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Political Echos.

Sonn *eriJ>M< r in tli'* Ad*rr rtiH<»r » f Saturtlav npprove* of tho e.uniiilaiw of th«.' LilM-'ml it)i the «rxrif|Uiun <»f A. Marquet«. n»«'n.' i# a:t air of <li*hotirst *pite i' «»\tt thc ri*mak« wliieli īh < haract« risti<-ut the liiile utiiuit;du«-*s <»f iiabitue« of tlie «elilono! Kanctuiu_uf the AcJrertinēr «ho ari~*Snnwh' t<» ]>«ve a pemonal āiitipuihv to ihr in que«tiun. Now tbe Xatioua! l/»bert»lt« eoni»idcr Mr. Marques th« be»t man they bave gqi on tbeir ticket and tiser«lbre pUeal bim at tbe bead of it. Hia rcoord in thi* comn>niuty ♦»f »»ver 14 i« above ref»roach t wbn*h itt anore tban cati U» *aid of *ome of tb<* men wbom> nauM* thc Adrertiwr writ«*r advanccd. Tf n«». Jhtng «Iw plaot*d t» Mr. Mar»|n«a rredit, he might wrll ou ilie fdft that h<* wa* fh*■ iiiu'i iti Hoiioluiutotb]f)kof. <»r vonturr to •»iank an ninian wHI, and deiuonHtrat« thepo»«il»ilftv t>! ohtaining waltr iu that wav. whu-h ha? heen inK'h a l*>oii to this «*otintry. Mr. li*r«|uci< i«» not a <i<'cnag<»gu<* or a euaehine politician. J»ut a genUnilHiH oC culture aod tii«'i»tu! at« tcinnwnti whoKe «|ukt lifc 111 tbi« CDttfliunity. ha» l»eei» oiilv a beoefit t4» thoae wilh wboi»t ht hio< at««ociātcd. He wu* dj»»pp« <i bv the Meeiianiea ( r ni<»n b*untn.- he w«*uld uol #t<xjp to i 1m» diahoiiorab!e uietbods of tbc bood)erfi ring. Ilr ha* acr«pted a nomiiuUioi» fr<»tu tbf. Natiotial f4beral f*arty at tln> etrnm aolieitatio«i of ii»aiiy <l< tionf of hia frWudi» auion/ th<* !»»• tire Hawaiiam» and tb** !*i-rt The Natiotial Party arv f»rt,n ate to meum him upoo tbair ti< k< t. t*»r be if known 10 liave«miml :n <l Itberal views on pofiti<-:»l i»iMtf< rii, aod hin innuooou witb t|n» -»th<»r Hawa>ian leader» will tVuJ v* train party aelion aml koat« it in iU propoiHtal eounie of hon« s(. grity aii<idigniiy. = Mr Mart|u«a and M? .1. S \\ ker were the on!v i w*» •.* !iit<* ?n< * eket«dnpon tb»: N:»u-. l i:- t'? »> li«ket of 18») tliat A h... v ami faitli/blly M»eir i»;»riy ■ .#» \msßm and \u r<i*h (Mliihlio*! to tbe I)th* r- r h«. im <v ed tr*rtfc*n«s*!p Tl^ #f 19IS d>x pnt fiwgt<t 'A -»vi:' Imi fcnr«%itO(i aaeordiogi

I It voa!<{ be m A re honomhle 4i|d {orcditahie to atl partiM to eondD|rt thi* political 'aoipaign upon iil« :i tu.: T »jp<>n th<3i«veraf p!ajt' 1 nn- ai:«I t !>r )noim<-ed vi«jws pf vii • ■if:v*:rul ther«KMi.- 0f < i; v. i!! he-th« privilffe oft-l|f»-ī » v th»re *#pa•r.K.\- • •th? pr.bj.iv - r.w. - who ■ :;r*' up t<>r •;:: V-';t liwn» .-lrHlld t>>>| --nT,:il •!• trft i?oīt <>r ahuPe, noj tii > oi: ialsc* i-;siue, oo| ♦ r.ili-n: of or mifirepr*f I - .u:<l n<> rttn*ationa! fal«4v !';t if th«» A<lvertim 4 r aud ' tii" »rgarm >if tho rstitl-hoa<iU"i r -fi»: n;' , r. ,i . fia*l- tln? Jk*)dh\rs r -p<-<-!ively. fftV; p'irsoi!i* ai vil!ific:»tii.:i"«sf ih? nominws of N.ifi«')ital !-ilxiraln we t*ill t-unn ■ i1: • n>»in< r.-if»i! and y!i:i<lo tK ; «»j r.-iiiinii»renc«' of the rf»r«l« of th«*ir favonte? up*»n : theqi. | Mi-»sionaric«, j»hilistinc.< liooellem,- ' naiimnliMī l . :tll huvc be€i» guiitiy of th v frailti#'« an«l #»rrors of huu ain n.:tiin\ h it thosf matt( r.s are ijetMr ,k''pt in tlie a»tral shadows of th©|r uxi*ttrnc' anj not niA'k' ihe >»übf^*t of |>olitical auiuio«itv- | Thc Nalional Libornl I'arty and ; thcir !efl<ler» havc aiwerte<i. **eas*it!ofi. and now .«H'.ar it witli a *ol*nin j |oath thnt there i» no'di»honc»V ino-1 ■ • •: . -• . ; | ;trr<* in thnir iiiovcim»nt«. | !ni>* , ī» their poiicy forinulat<*d for| | nuTi» party supn»maicy, but with a | patriotic reganl for the fntUT anei; ; porn>anent welfarr. of tl»e wliole «»iuntry.

I--* - - . i .'i'iie A<iuertiaer of Mon«[āy t|ie 1111» inst.. in»pired by Thurgtn&s ; wordy di«play of self importanoe t Jdenouuces the N'atiotml Lihenal tieket ax 44 in<;urably had." I'hia •i* probah|y the re*u!t of Kome <*or;rii|H l«ar£aininf<, t<»r in itK Friday*a iHMue thc Adverttoer ratbor eom- j i iuof»ded th<* ti<*kc t. llui \v<* <io tu>t exp<M't fair treatmwfTT7it *j( t li«' f<»r th«tjr rtmnent a iK'Hi <if4ii<,'urabli a hig<»ts com:<*iteii Pmnm'*. An hoi*c«*l | beart ai»d fuir t>lay ar<- t\vo jewolt< that they n«ver luul »<Biii<'ioitt w<»alth .of <*haructer to |kmi»*«'kk. Th<; < %<|i- . torial aiHl rci»ortoriai hluek guard- ; if»tii wbi<*h they huve itiditige<i in |of late are appareittly !torrowe<i j ifrom Om* atyie of tii<» "JoiJy (iiantj<" j • aud the "l'olū-e «ihut tl»ey ' I looiw» the fbr<»e of nrgnmont upon ! the pilhlie inin<i hy thoir vi<'iotw| ' Hpit<'fulrw»*<. j 1 Mr. Thur»tou ii|k»ii thei ~piih|i<.' througb thi: .\4lv<»rtiH«*r :nj ! lo«g rigmarol<* <>f hia peraouid opN I nion* whMi (!Otiaiat<« prin<ūpally of: .abuaive inainaalioiiii agaiiiHt the taeii ofllm* i.thoritJ i*«riy-.. \Vf i reviaw tbt« iuspulsive |ouug oiaiia ' ootnpoftiti<}A »n a fhturf i»«Kue aad ; perhap« m«et bin fnnnendoa«ig»iOßt j ] nalnmml wm'ht *>f thff ] I p«t of aome of liia own 1 unprincipitd henehmen. Hwf»h 1 , aiwl WJcox i»ave nior<» awd po!itieal booeaty l tlian aome <if | ' thc boodier» am! op»jJm <HuugglflnL who prm*ctii»ti i>f the ; Thnraton admini»tration. j Frkk l.*v