Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 364, 11 Ianuali 1892 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
IIOTI€B, LAi>!EK wi»Mh£ lheir dyed or «ad mnei! t«n have it dotte bjr MRH. WERTHEHN. 108B«r»lMiW ' strfot ' LAIHKB wtoh\nm to |Mtrifr their eompVrxion »nd cndwe t»B mid freckle» *1H he hiBt«cte<! byMm. WKItTHEBN free of charg«. 103 Rerela£ik Btm* fj»|t the Armory. > PiMie Noliee. ' Know i!l imd hy thV iwwiee that from ud after Uiki d»t«, i have tki« <fii> chsifed Mr. «. e. Uiok'Hi, Ipoi» arUa« u »ii ag* nt, for me J* any «nm wh«tevw, ln thech»!fe and >dmintoll«rtk>tt - of »l! my profeity, iM*d ia ti» eoilfN!tim offtll dart «isid mts ajpon aay «n4 iH my «6telft Uk k lhis kittsonai, Anyonevi)obo)dioriB ia potwwfea t <& w*y ptomrty or viw Ini ui; Mm» ' «f pijrnnti W aake, «il! inMwi Ui* Mte «-ith ne pmo«Ml)r. «t nr plaee kt HoniiiUk3ha. at Hoaoliiia. ualin. " KAPIOLANI. per Jo». Kawaiu. H«aeliilß Kov, 8.1891. <{-Sm. TBB PACIPIC NOTELTY WOBKS, A REIUN(i Propriel©r. UNDKETAKES ALL C«rting «pd T«r«ihg in r Woodt or lv«nr, PolMUng jir ctbt orfi«ttiwta. f»ney Piww Painlink tbT*iring ah'<l rf Mu««o«l InilmmenU, Ouiw, .Bcalm, «nd a«y Ltght M«tbm«rr. | K!eotrici«in», Mae)»inists and LoekDie«, lnatrume«iUt ModeK «t . made_lo wi«. uāinieial. tssFort Ht reet, HonoUllu 345 tf-d