Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 364, 11 January 1892 — Platform of Principle OF THE HAWAIIAN NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY. [ARTICLE]

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IS!)K!»KKDI£SCf; OF THKC(>fJNTKY «'Rotkction TO iIOMK IS"I>UHTRIKR PKINeiI'LK OF UOVEKSMENT XND COS«tITUTION. 1. We ā»ēm that «11 Govf>rnm«nt ihoule) be f«mndet!i on tbe prim*tpk-s oi Liberty, Kqaality »nd Fralernitv; 'we i bo!d that &U men are born free aixie(|iial before the law and are <*nd w«! witli inalienahle Hght« to life t to liberty, to propertp, to the! portiuit of happinen i and to «elf*protectwn againet tfrbitrar|c | coneentration «f i |;ower t im«|*<j|iribli i wea)tli, and nnfairi corapetition. We Jbe lieve tb«t ju»t gorernment exiats ohly b f the oonmi of the Plople. and that, when it heeomee neeeiwu? for the/pub» iie welfare, they may aboiish exiHting formft and €Rtabliah more advantageons and equitable eyetem; and t a» the pn> aent Constitutk»i ol th« Hawaiian Kiag<ir»m n«Ver bas had the amoval of the P»ople t bot waa eatablto(kd by d*tton an<r fr ud for the beneflt of a eeiiain dast. Unm)fore we lavor- the adoption of t> aew and more Hheml Ooa* atitution, to trety aeeure a Govemmeet : j^*p* r lVlop ' e " fe * aad.fcr tbt I Jni)ICUKY " .*■ ri(huaad vnWit opti>i«n« o<ttM MMmlMk». —*—i —j Irti«rt «« Mt»noß> y QiK«rr o lib«i«4 utd ta» '» formeltofnr»mmot; bu»oorTre«& wllh md n>nMly *•*•« *»IW «»•»« «* Ain«rta>, «>ookl h» r»yt«»(l. io<« to brl«cr w« in ex<*Mngeot iheee 3. Our Jmlidary »y»t*n and Code ol be submHt«<l to a thor* oueh wiekw. eoae to eei om a a*d rompt adminbtratkm of jas*iee fre« of ,* i seftaHan or paUean »frit s ml to *• ' ,4 !?, *** ? " , f #B dir«ctly ree* r tsibte tothe an'd we are in xVftr f>l i mm int*rir>rot*tKin id > C-ohsUtutionai oi the freedom . ol »|Mer]i and th» pw«.

mUā* \ MNr '■19 M. %» MM* o' *fcoaH jw> «M&«£*i«d '*.._ * te*4 T 4 ' ly «t the B*tive wh» ham it?-*k<M)ā be ftiMlcff»ft lTfi : Wlpl t»S ' e<l w »cm ea to fet^i>i|»^ūft»lii. t>BBS , 4§ll& fljljBl > ilf<BD ' ->if ■ : t§wij6|i!Uehotild be «4 t*«a&* olir»iie}xvrt tfe&^!o¥^«a&sii» atotrteto t r gtmy»y* iug tbe f>r@d9«t G&th*Qcttl» mmkK 11. We hdkl Uml spr%Hftßd hopeel tt»fttlOŌd. «&(l M tfN «| vea!th r arbitrflrilf £xs& <l>i;i'UlffJ»BH>ilr:> tb« rigrlit lo vot® lor ft©blw tmm*%M .T&pl'flßWttt^llPWP*-■ B^ t fISKN& -„J96flßNh)f. ahonkl* acH-ord«l to the haHoM* &» rlch *.»4n ihan to llio MW fi| Dm poor man. Th« dlBCFiaikHrtiofi la favo? of wealtfa 1» oar CoQ»tttt3tloa . ia cootmi7 &> th« prifMe§o» ol right »nd jtssOc» o»«) mtuA be ah&Hah«4- *I?o*his tad, w# wdt liw*'.kmb> i»K of tha pre«mt dMluHlim oi %mllh and eUmeā whkl) Wm&hk o»r kiWa with r»B{>ect ol llmi Hght to voto for m» bki, thereby i«iMf to th« w*Ur9 UawaihnNi pHvih?gf« whleh pert»te to th«aa in th«ir own es«tfttr?, *al«if vdikh th«3r have heea eiMo»t!y depiiv«ti. INTKRSAL IMPBOVE»ESTP 12 W® lavor the expendittir€ 01 msft|* cietit «ini to »ctire a nuaber o( hmM IHihlk; itfiprm-em«Tit« on()«ha and oth«9 lflands; eehonl, raiimailB aftd harhor« and wharv«a, pnhlie !}fht» ai»d ai«o a ihorougii ay*tem of. re*f«rvoir& ajid .wator-worfcs, not <mly for Hoooiala, bot thtou«b-out*heothfrr lilanik?*