Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 364, 11 January 1892 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]

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Tlmt five nutive« were all thut Kj«h(«»nci rauld mUHt©r to jo*n the uiechanics in the ratific*ti<»n of their jlutf(iru» nnd nom,itiution«. whiie five htitidred enthuBiftPtic.illy we!couied the nominee» of tbe Liherals. T«»t a ī)«*ftiocratie Adm)iiiBtrati' on i n th o U. A ore prt*perity to thii eounirybv repealing the Mc Kiiilt«y bill, aecure the cotrfidence of the nnlion by f»endinK «i representative here whr, ig not a ii*isftionary and wlu» will not u«e U. S. troupn t « tuinthat faction in potrer. That Minii»ter Spencer ean now «ee tha*. the long deferred ••mahop*" ig coming. the I,egiBluture there wili be ne muhope, ' v That a rnmor luia reacliiMi un from littie Liliput that it is propo«ed to have the I'onnie Prihce ofthat i phiee marry their Queen. But the, Colonel and ihe M;\rwh;il of the hoiift»hold object f»r *'ien they wo«ild drr»p <»ut- of fav<»r. „ , That w— y Smith. n hr«,ther o— —Smith will l»e a refoiMii candidateon «>n eoftheother it)ands. That the nntive HawHiiana will rise in their n>ight at the ballot box, and denounce fal»e CabinetB, Boo.iler Unioii and dishon»et pnlhieiani». fhat the hydra—headed Reforra Party now enjoya ihe lengthv and euphomoua title of Heligio-hvpocri-tico poiitico eoolie labor-Mechanico Union»Native—Son<»»uKar'b«rona> 4nisaioiiaryiieform P«rty. Th«t th e native Hawaiiana, tbe PortU|ce#e. the ho.»ētt Meehanie *, and the ret)N»ctabli* middle elaaa will «imply b<» kno»tin aa the Xa iionei Librra! Pnrty. _____ _____ - ■ • : - That it might haye l»on joat aa weli for tbe Boodle {?rowd to have put in Whale for Xol»ie.a» he haf> the Jcredit of being opdn and f|ir, at ! leatt, whieh ia moff than ean be of thg gt»ntleitfie|n on the Unior Ticket for Hepe A,pbb«.

been Candidate«iniheKool«ul^rkt That C«ic*§**l K—~ Heehank»* waa lferee htmd* vēd y«im Tlml *St •• 4he| witfe hkm was that h\s brai« waf B©ttlnfc m»t of ©rder, on aeoouni of oid age. oāt is so. . j That the Adtertiset#nd Bulleiiti Uke pains to lay befere the paWie the crude and i abortlve «ffortsi of the Meehftnics> Knlaaina at»d Kttive Bons to produoe ā ftittform of prineiplea, ainee . thesc eonipōaKiona only serve to show how unfit their author« ar? ft>r tbe Le«isiotive trust. But the plfttform of the liberal party is nol pt»blishefl nor ever nientioned.bf thr«de orgainp t though it has heen bp#Mre the m»blie for (»onths. i Wi»oever read» it tnust ndmit ihei justice ahd importance of its principle» and th«t its j originntors werenot oniy po)iticians. i but n«triote und statesmen. That the iawyers. the po!iticfanf ( th3 ex-ofllcials and the boodiera are all National Reform, hut the pe«v ple are soiid for the TJbrral Party.