Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 363, 8 January 1892 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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NOTI(E. LA!)IKS thwr (mllwn djr«!V or «n<! i-an havt» it (lone by MRH. WERTHKRN. 108 ltrrt»Uii>9 Street. ■ : 6 ' LA!>IICS w)fh>ng to ptirifv On»ir wm. , plext<»n u«<r crtuhaU' un auil frivklea will he in»>tu<He«l Uv MHS. WKHTHKKN fm* of < lU'rt-tania Strti*r jm»t the .• rmorv. :\\7— <Uh»i* PiibHr*Notife. Knmv »lf mmi hy th*H noV<v that from nn<l aft«*r thi» I imve thiif <Uy di«* tharg»il Mr. H. V. inuk(Ht, frodii āiting a* nt , for me »n any flense wliatever. in thet'harge aml admitiUtratHm of all my prc»perty, an<l in tt» < oll(H tion of afl <Idm< an<i rent»« npon any an<l al! mv e*tat<* in * ' Any one who hol<U or ic< tn \v of a«y pr«iH»rty or w lm hae any husia<>«¥ <vr paymetiU to make, will trabnui the !»*me wiUi ine peraonaHv. at mv plat-e at Honnaaaha. at~Hoaoluliu u*>iu. KAHULAM. ' - i>er .Tos. > awahi. ii<vi<;lnla "Nov. 3, I8!»I. d-siir. THE PA('IFiC SO- - \YORKS, A. HEUIK» Pn>prielor. TTNI >KUTAKFS AT V KIM)S «>t t urving aoii Tufni»»ft in Wootlf» c»r Ivorv, P«»liBhing ofSheUt* \>r cther ornnmonta. f.inry Kivseo I'uinting K< k )uiiriug aml CiMnii»g f Mustoal imiiriiikitM»t.s <iuns» S> aW. aml ;i:iv I/jrhl M»rliin<»rv. KiwtrimnB» M»o!r'nifrt? an<! h. »ithn. !>iw, lnatruuirtils, MoUol», to <»nUr. * iVt jis:i i.'lL* Kort Str . Ilm '»4*v