Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 363, 8 Ianuali 1892 — Platform of Principle OF THE HAWAIIAN NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY. [ARTICLE]
IXUKPKNDKNCK OF THKCOI NTRY PKOTKCHION- TO IiOMK i.\I»rsTRIKP 7. We are in favor ol em < oiiran;inK all iiome a#rirtilt£t« an<l imhua.k*, aiHlali our native pro»liK't* % like rio«\ r<»ireo, u«»«|. to>»at«-<t. jH«\ nhouM U' |>r»»t« t<»<i an<l fonterml hv t r«i|M'r t«rifT : aixi alao it uiu*Pt lie tho <hitv ot the iiovment, in itn <sptitract«< an<r<>tlier o|wmtioits, to jcive ftr*k*r*m * to nMionai |>roiluH» o\vi luiuurtiil <>n««. PKOTKCTH>N TOTII.K t # \HorniN(i OLASSRS f>. We aliaU eintor>e all iiio:ihun* teii<littK to inoprw thf romli!><»u of th<* r«»n>t4»«|t'»>ntly, nitli•>ut injurtii)E any v*mUhĪ '%«• nn;!I Htl\'iHatt*' la\\> t«» piv\f«t ull i«irtlu«r iui i>ort«tion or »ynu'nt u\ rontim-t lahor of a»iy i knul', uyvm «i>i wliu h will hrinjf- it into » nuiKm* nuW « oin|H ttti« n with fivt* Hawai lan or \vhitr !a>»or. \\\* t>lia¥l ui tlit 4 ivtrn yt «'l'illu- U't*rr »i
«MU. Uen havy hithrrto pre<rcfflted thy <fr ro|i<a V' a»ent of an irjde|**nd«rat cl«m «tf «tlpqtii| •':- i : ttw7TO*mr iajr>«lia )>avf twvn 9ef)ifn37igiii ; h»ve lnf»a tied «|> in * >w «r,.\... »»rceii«l &« euit. ' mid .aniil^...' ':•!■'> jm% w*|K*«twm» or : coplilt|n|loftfl 4. •' ;.« i£jnteli*te; )$t a#s=maH **fantlh| %\«gh ■ \»' Ī6friv« tothe st«biniv ol ti«f II *ho«ifd p«» .W * -Iw >nd ; «K»W libtTßj fioin£*seaa act, }w «rh<& tbe owner*h»p n>f «maii twita ul lainl a«tl Uif mtt!eD«-rrt tlier«soii 'ol ga&Biee U <mr pr«mt iy t>f ihe natlve iiawaiiaiks wh<» havc b«M> l«ft aimopt hom«!«*f8 ia tta««<ssBa~ try-»hauld he ren4er?<d poe»,bi". To *.hat ?»d, tite Govemment ami Oo*m anda, ( it> «ufar a»<»ii be4©fcr*vitiHMit : invadiiw vmted righU ) »bMd be d«W& i ael aama ra t»o»dbte to htmm&kāa. ami eenfotiwd apoa boaa-ftEte aeUian jln» *»f taxi« fer a limileil penōē. It 6honki be Ut« fnrther aim «i fp»m> »eut U», »1 o»ca, ao iar isß|«m% the kioane ul tnft»pNt. tion,—-ioq|}, n&t&>&> al «nd i»lmationa!,~gB to |>rov:d€>, io ali Iha di§lrkt8 t eheap »«iai ol eo«veyin« the predurt of th« emi to mmkei. KLfiCTO»AL RlliUT U. We hold that aprigbtaiMi hoae«t • manhood. and n<H tli« ponwninion «4 9M)th« arWtrariiy fi*od, «ho«ld tsomtf ih® Hght to voto lor nobles as well as repr«etttativwi. and no mon» pcrirer ahoaid be apcorM to the faatlot of tb« poor nian. The (liwHminaMon in fa\or o5 «vaaith aow made in our CoaatitaUoa "ia ix>Dtr»iy to ali tha et<srnai prtudipi69 of rifht and juatk« am)ttiiitWabolidi* «d. To thta end, we wiīl fcwr a tevel* ing of th« pre»«!it dktiii«tk>u <rf «maith and olame* whieh biemfch onr iawe witli re»pe<rt olth© ri«ht'to vote lor »obi«a, therehy Tesfc>r;n« ta U«a natfve Hawaiiane pririte*«>H whieh pertain to them in Uwiin own rouatry, and of whkh they ikave b©en uniuatlv dl>prived. . INT£RNAL iMI>K<>YEMKNTS 4 12 We favor the expenditure of eient sum« to »cture a miiiilier «»f needed pubiir iatprovementB onOahn jand other laianda: eehooi, ruilroada and harbor* and whitrves, puhlir light. and also a thoroiijjrh *yat«?m nf rwrvoir« and watei"wor)i8 t not only for iionolulu, bnt thronu!h-out the oth(?r !»l:.ifīN.