Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 363, 8 Ianuali 1892 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Th«? tbo hon<»f?t n»inoritv pl;»ve<i | «h-ei.l c >!itnl,y t<» the BooU!*i faroe—. | nt the Moehanien Conventioti. That theQueehitos worke<l hanl an<l pi«»vf with the Hawaiiaii Hi» bvrni:mti at the Convention. '• Th u 11 few Hiiw&iiaim wt-.iv use<i Ht l iīt* Mt>ch.'tiii<r!»'Coi:venti<>!t. eoauh* i *• S. Nowloin or il .ii, Ti.at the i*»tjiah man wa# H|H-n<l> ine *uri>l«B -fun«U very livt Iy on tlnf 6th* 'Fh:it the M*?ohanic. ( » U.iion'e rhnic«' f«>r t'nmli<iptt<** for th<- . l«egih* ln'i-nn i* u doud give away. It ie ai;ythin{r hut an Jhthlem of purity n wholt\ i

■J ■. M» . • ••• " T • > .-7. »; That one* hor»e Hoolivan h*s I' done bis best to imitate a Tammany henohmen, 1 ~~ Th*t Booltvan, Bo#ldtv, Quinn & j »uocei*#ful ingeMihg »t»o*iter Hiii Kalaiaiila'a eoinmUee mad*' to , suit tl»em on tht \ That ihe big boy Premer ia ih high giee om' the suoees6 of his ' polHieal teols. , That not very lopg ago Bam waa hiring Kahona'a to pray John to! death. bwause kime Kahuna had proved bv a taxintulla poultice that Bam bad been poi*oned by •orcerism. That to-day the p«ir have fbund out what a pttir-of asse*they wero, but no wiser, and is now trying to pray thoee two *inoorrigible". inviociMes Btisb-afd*Wilcox todeath. Put notyour trustin a pair of asseaj That Poliee detectivea, as adduoed in evi<tence before Court, go āboūt and hire other people to do :heir dirty work i for tbem. and they single out whom to arrest and take no notice of others /who br<tjik the law. This is ( 'Kangaroo" tactics, a hop-stsip-and-jr.mp. - _ That tbē gang who so often ex- | pres«Hi their|love ibr the Meehanics anoi ine Knrnakas. sho\ved how* mueh they Were wil!ing to sncraftcc for the/n, when they voted the nn . tivBS down who wanted honest men to represent ihem. ond cho?p ruonopolists, gamblistB. opti!sists. and ineladoists. i That the! National Lil»erals of Makawao have assi!infd all the expense of their cnndidate for ,R*present<itive for that di«tri< t. That thc ilp.um RUB|X'ct made an nninton|r>nsl f*{K Re 01" their future pfogramme,; when thev m"ade their chanics Union to profeps thev are 11 omiuations. Tim> thin for tlie Me- • ! * • • 1 representinß; the lueehanieK and w3rk»np»i»eTilg int< rtst I Thai the ! two kanaka Muck-a- -! mtick'9, Sam aird John. havc hridged the anaana chastn. and the kahuna that prayed the business to u successful issue, was the Maui mis»ionary sugargratKiee. John fell 011 BattiV sboulder without u tcar, |K»or Sam wcpt. The neene drew the limpid Btrcam of sympathy from llcnry's eyeB. And who <*ould Btati<l it, to stH» suchgiants hugging one anothcr like .ihe two danc>ng bearrt tbat tire uiaking the attracttion around ihe of Hopohilu to-«iav.