Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 363, 8 January 1892 — A Grand Conglomoration [ARTICLE]
A Grand Conglomoration
Of all Hm that the Ha» ever bf*e« called upon jto pafronize. the cpnglomorate po!iticnl p'll offered bv ttie Meehaniee Ul on atid »upposed Hui Kaiaiaina ig ihe toughtest uiixture thut thē pnblic ih eallwl u}H>n to 8wallow. It is almut as nau8eating m:\ ture fiw the nuhlie to be expected to tafce v \vith either fork or t|KK>n, orin li<)iii<l form, as could have heen «elected fr«mi uny cmiimunity, or wjtP ever off*»red to the people befor»\