Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 363, 8 January 1892 — The Boodlers are Out.. [ARTICLE]
The Boodlers are Out..
Tlift Ho-callr«l Meohaoie l r i.iv>ii uiel \VttdiicKd:iy. <'v«*|ii»*jc. to mnko nonnnalionK fjr Nobles and Uepnfor tht? Ijcgi»lature «»f 1802. 'l iiin organization, aftor thr«» unnuo« e»Bful aU«'mptP to m«ke no init)Htions, hiwe nt Likl guccciiled in sdlecting a da«tlv croird to repn*sent Iheni. Th:s irmai.ee wafi hr!)ii«ht al>out hy thc efibrts «»t men who nr' v rcn<"m(h i» to thnt nrinci-
ple of rightH, for whieli tHoy the? were oppre«*od and arē uow involuntary ex>le« fro«n their native repr«*?nted by B«ch men. as, Measrs. Bowter r Soilivan, Quinn a»d* Nuwlei». . It appean* that thc«e feiitleii;et) had tnan«ged tonick up from Hhe »tr«*et«. a *ufatitude Comi»ittee for the Hui Kalaiaina. and in Tam* many sty)e, carried the Bt»odle crowd as lheir noninee for the fūtare ' eh«tinnfc. The naniee for Nohle, i» a fair apeeimen >f the manm*r in whieh the Meehanka and the NVorkingmen are going to be repreeented. Anj one reading the nauiee ean realise what intorc«te will be eerved. Take Mr. Curamine, fur inetanoe. a sugar plant*r, owne* «nd agent all in one, wh<> wil! undoubtedl? work to open the dooT wideto Aeiatics hordee to flood the countf/ and to drive every foreign meehamee out oi the land. and his lellow workman, the Hawaiian into his taro petch, if hr ie fortunate enongh to have one tn flee to. The two mext on the list are well known lawyers, whdse precariou» prof«esion raturally leads the>» into a lifc of excitement and nt pureuit of snioky fortune for their .pwn self gratification inet6ad of serviftg the puhlio weal, «dd eepecially the elaaa of people, whom ihe Union and the Hui Kalaiaina aresuppoeed te reprcsent. The last two 011 the liwt are genUemen, but with no voice for themeelveB, having lost their identity, i eome tirae in the past. The first is not exactly a Rlave to hie ow» interestB, whiuh are conibincd and are idcntical with that of theplatit crs. And as manager of a foundry principally ouned hy theselectfiOO, he cannot be ex{>ected to traddle t\vo horHCB at hia artvnncr<l p»»riod of his life, or do an im|K»ssibilitv, Bcrvcd nionopoly.and liil>or l«>cether The last nmn or the liBt ia the one who aim» to pleaM everybody, anil generailv succcedß in pl »asing .himBelf best.