Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 363, 8 Ianuali 1892 — National Liberal Mass Meeting. [ARTICLE]
National Liberal Mass Meeting.
That the Hawaiiaii Naiional P:irty*ill ■;rtna.»i» mceting at Kmina Square. (without the Band as ku attfiu»tio!in>n Satur4ay «iveninp. at Th*ir camlMate*. will present and will ati(iresB the mi i.tjti j>ic f»n the oepawon. The frec and ineumhenl are invite<l ir.vited to the m*eting. and liei.lih-P. and alsn the Pharisee are mrdiai'v invited, ef the.y are al! of the j>eoule.