Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 362, 7 Ianuali 1892 — Platform of Principle OF THE HAWAIIAN NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY. [ARTICLE]
IN r>K PERDEXCE ŌF TH£O)CNTKT MONOFOUKS 5, Weehail uae our eflbrt« lo obUiu U«s by whkk «U £ftvoritiem Jn the ernment aod «U monopoli#», tmsis acd to md«l cluan eh*ll be rwiered impowiUe, by fuH, and jßaator otelQl«i. r,igasg£Ere.i maa «houM be •Uowkl to hold w*n whilBt for Al!excenĪT«M> e&wl w^rfT PRi)TKCTION TO HOMK INI>UBTaiBB - 7. We«n m!lmr of ex»otinctai «H «ad a<toftrie«, i£fcfl •n« mUiw PW MmkMm; an4ilioil aoKmtbe4ety •wa»Kjaww«ss w " * a3srsm «t M sftcassscstas '^in?iT»fTIAU!* >Tt| "** I-R' 'TW.TTOS TOTHK ÜBOotQie «WkttwU«inU «t:;^sr3S^tl3i2
v ; The WB«)tby frsēt&ā <rf <mr : |Ki|dtlir io» h»v«l4ilkrt»s>Hsvem4<*liisp m<snt of aMmiet*itdeat W;. ihe 'm*!* I»ā\ō been aiH)u|&9g aad have been Ueil uj> in » few tatM%4r pan'elie#! to >ait fav«ritse t &ihl imiaA. mrr«eriland pltttvipr« Luive bfcm Mtt hy fttfpā9*t?Q3t« « cvisi3BtiatloAs ©f but «s sa»ll fanniii£ if« eamlo«ive to the. htabiīitv of tbe ' Bt«te,' lt «houkl pe eiic»ūraieed br a iuw Vwl airtpe Übenl llnmmUiad act, b* wbd» the<wnerahip aC r«i& tt*ct* til Uuui *ad tbe M|ltmeat Oimpm oHanHk» of o»r pr@9ent popeiaaea.—«nd weei«li ly of the natiro £lairajiaiis wfeo have been krlt Ib tfaer«e9as~ try.-ahoaW k rendefcd poa&hle. fb th«t ead. the 09v«wmbt and Oow» Ual». (in «»far aa eaa be done \rithoat invadinjc veeted rights ) «hoeWi heimA«lw woi a« i«srfbto to iionlMneh, and oon£erred npon hnnn fldn mlHiin w free of taxes for « iimited Mmi It shoii!d be the £tirther ftu» oi svwm» mmt to, al oiiee, eo W impro9e the meaneof tronsport.Uaa,-4eefti, w**mal and iBt»faatkHift) t *-fts t& pr©vkle, ta ali distHcts, d>eap mmm oi eamping the iwsdftet ol the sqO to ®arket.. CLECTOftAL BIIIUT 11. We hold thst npr%ht a&d hoaesi ®*»*wod, fted not th» wmmwlom of weaUh, &wd, ehook < *stf 4he right to vot® for aehlee a*v«'l*s shoaldbe &ecordedtothe hftH*stte Heh nvt than to the hath»t eI the peor WB. The ia hm ol weaHh aow made m o«r'OeMtit«tloa ooßtiMy to «n ihe eteraal pHaeiplw of riBSit aad jaetice. aodHK»tbeaboKrfie& lqyalj. wfeh r«pect M*, the**y ie«torh« to the &atfre HawftUft&e privfks«M whkli pe«tfttoto thea in their owa com>try t aad el whkh thsjr have he«B aasastir 4sprivod. INTSENAL IICnOVSIftE3STB
1? We f»\w tte expeodHa>^otgqffl. pāWle improveinentB aaf)«ba aml otfaer railromfa sad fatrben «** w6arm, puhlie li^hl,»d«lna **w*rcmgl» aymlem *f naanoin ind waler*worhs t Qol<mly farH<»Ql«lti, bot . throailheQt tiU otber lahn^.