Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 362, 7 Ianuali 1892 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


T*>a» Jo«epb. oot tbe o>aa th«t #«i»t into £grjtft bat JoMph the Qowo'( iu*n. tfaa e*ndid«te of tbe lEalMiiM «r Oov«riwent> QMenVi p*rty, birw ooOiian lwt ohinw» o>rp«nte— «o bui)d th« QuMn> b*th Bmmo at Thi* Rentleatan fe om af tfc* putionl«r peU «f mn of the Boodle tlaMa bmi Md Baai ia *Mhw.

Tb*t mmi«cea i» higfe-!ifc took wiwin, eootr«>Hng lw<ikff l|«Mvi. tt»wkr *ad aod Mwin. C«bIk mi OuoiiA. Wi nriuiliiil ih«M innUiiiiiini, di*»vw*i. tb«t Um? imk» <tervcā Un»y iib ooy tiu«4M«i, no aroond j tb# comer to tb« next eorii*r Tb«M poliiic«i Mlhnoo* wehcar, wiU produc«, aMtu»i tbr Nobl«» whl Howw\ #uch is th# n»toji3Yiifltiact »n dayt-of pervcrt«d' n«tiire and mw «lUaoooe.

That Mr. W. is iog Bomowhat different from «ome of % poliUea! i.dol?» o£ tl>e ary Reform Pnrt;\ moH of whoui aro Magdaiene makers a»d <4d tuadc proslittites That the allia»cc betwoen the editor of the Adver.ti*>r and Hon. J. A. ('ummin» fcr imtar.ee, or Hon CVil Brown, is nneh more intere»?ting to anah'21 1 than that ot the JohuE.Bufihand ex-Attpr-ney fJreneral €. W. Asfcford. The '* Wōlf and Lamb īdyl in th»fla«e of the editor of the P. <L\ A. wonld be personally dangereuB to him in casc he should be obliged to lay down ās the Lamb the othor two. - i

That Mr. Huntsmaa, perhaps, missionary like, thinks his chauoes are better to stay out than to nin as candidate. acd unmissionary like, he thinks that it is a little out ol plaee to run for representative just vet.

Tbat if Mr. Ashford is an oracle, and as the P. C. A. mys t be is al ways on the mde that wina, wii m glad that this inmdverUnt »011 is made, as it gives us hape.

I That the nominaea for the Repres©iUtives made by tl»e 8ch»8 of Hawaii. as blblt6ally ana* ! ly*©d are /mi<lifeo: Fmnk £. Ateh* er, d9ftcoa of i Kawaiahao ChvMb, J. K. Kauiia* elipoini of Kaonaka>lhChwroh;A. P. Pelmoa. deao«iof F«rt BtreetChureh (not i» good odor)* Eobert Hakahalupo, iMMon of the Kaoooho Ohiueh . I Noue. For Nohka: &- 8. M P. Roi hiawa, and B. F. DsiltBghara; Om* CQmrainß, (the woret kiad); John Ena, (moderate>. Thes» genl]ofiitta aro running #m no defipniie^lo^