Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 362, 7 Ianuali 1892 — LIBERAL PARTY. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


The ioliowing list of oandi(UteB t weunderstaodar©ttnderdis<mB«<m, hefiwe the Nat*onal Liheml PaHy. are meo. fepmaeiiUng the varied »eotionB of the eity» and also the claesee. We thiakf*£orably of theee names; and hope thev wiil a!so meet puhlie epproval, q}iou]d they receiye the nominaiiona. The factthat ma&tfo{ thenemen betng [ondemned by the P. C. Adveetiber, 0 tbe best expeneat that we ean pōint U> as to their being good and beyond the reach of purchase. Ward i. W. H. Cunimings. - - 2. J. W. Hipikane. 3. C. W Ashford u 4. 8. K. Aki. • 5 « K.Pna, SOBLEB. A^Marqua&. Captain J. Roe& C. B. Maile. Wm HoH.