Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 362, 7 January 1892 — News from the Country. [ARTICLE]
News from the Country.
The aoui»try d»irrif*«s inehowin# «p ai.U in favor of tb» N*« tiooal Lihemli We hope tbis foed
fce!ing iii favgr of r#*pre«?ntAtive flSoVornTnrfit will ovvntUally c:i)-py the da>\ againM ,;!w corrupthni in tlie pre*cnt statc t)f ībc oouufn. We Wlievo, that the prir>cipl*« of moilem aini prugre«sjye governm(ents. > <>ur viewi? ar-. v liheral— and i» rovcrc 1 io the i»hra#e ,4 freedom and e<|Uality." The p)ntCbro) the htxly whieh we repre»ent, have satisfiedī jnend and foe alike, nnd the eilenee of mir enemie# in* thirrespect is the highest tribute tbat ean be said in its f»vor.. Tbe maweeo are «atisfied, and we fe9l the encouragi ng reBponse f|om the pe#ple, &e tbe l>est recom])ense that wer ean hope for, aud as th€ best testimony of appreclation in our motives and the efforts fn favor of tbe NaHonal Partv. A good cauBe will always bring good frait in due season. and though tbe people, may be temporarily eheekeel in their aims for good government on liberal principles, we have no feaf as to the ultimate result if th« effort is made boneetly and for t(ie general goocl. Our eaaae heina good, as onr "principles" prove, we say to our friends and th%»se who are io ftivor ofequal rights—feab not but be of good cheer.