Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 362, 7 Ianuali 1892 — POLITIES. [ARTICLE]
: < ♦. pnnt ■i of our coteinporarv. the P. C. A ivertiser. be<ianse. th<* Hneh- Wi]c.ox factioM, ha? so arranged matt *■». that its non:inatioM sta.:di« m ī' .rmidabl#> array againßt it.and-.fore? 0 «ts a hard task for-rii.it '» pcr and t Reform-MisPionary party, for 1 «iting thc cupidity oi' the oien on tn»; National I.ilwal Ticket and tbe p flsiblo fai!ure 6f the woll earned r*:ratat ; on whieh that Party has fr buying and Relling. Lik« the halopoda the P. Advertiser ken its fiwt appearance all ruffled, its rma or lcgB (ndt the editor as i • aai <>nly two arma and legs) flung about at random, throwing out it« inky vituperation, bee. «e we have nominated men who &re honeet, aad more particnlarly Mr. C. W. Ashford inBtead of the ' t>rofthat«bect. Well. we are Mry for our editerM friend that we ean do no bette/ for him and hie Piurty« Mr. Caftle «ie«erve« a better £ate, but as heha* the miefortune to be allied wHh cant and hypocrisy frow birth, nnthe guise of r©ligiou frum holy Jtoeton, the great lumiaary that J «hed« a haio over the benighted in beatheo ]andB, we hope he will f immer down and )oarn, what true religion i§ and what eant and hydocri9j aM. Of CoiirFC. we do not toean to be hard on our friend, V*owing t>eforehand, that he iaony lmpelted by hi» money thirsting ;< rMieinBwsay and do things. whieh niB woak moral nattirc is unable vo roaiit. Oar friend has thrown the: uret mud. We hope to receive it »ith grace, afttfTortitude, «xj,*oting notbing better from that directior
Thc P. C. Adv«rtisof f 6ndiag it«elf witbout any eauae to fiod £ault rith tha Nati<m&l Liberal ylatforra *r in &rgumeiit to advanoe a£ainat the righu aod pnneiplee whieh ia :herein aaintaitied aod whieh we uopwl, and hein? di«appointed in i%ihopē that we wotkld not be ahle lo plaoe a tieket aofficMatlj itrong 'o carry the e\ectioo* thlā year. «alla iftto hjratenoß and tam>wfß»thim at the moatlu The ca<iq of our s>teaiporary, howwer» is oot hepetae. he «ioim the uatore of the Mi6Biooanr-Belbris i wi™» &Hi lIIQ «eu? apirit whieh anli&ated iheoi io the mne of wf«mty-yeari, i pnlaoōelo teaeh rriigba t aad ashaviage larg« $priaJrliQf of the alaer a«tjMt of OhriitHke % eetf«aerigoe ef eharity, b)a»edlbr H, we hope.
Bot how ki it, th*t the P. 0. Ad-1 verti»eri>M isoi a&opiiikm « •! prmcii>k to*dTancB, m»r tioi>« to make ? 1« it bc?atiot, tbe. people. n«tt»w foreign, d%t«Bt! th© biuodv ptow*m of diisHkrT aod iwoMka, t»d tmuwe they ir«ft di*)mfic«t io Utt*ir pruffi<fiioiis fbt re(Mmī Wl **e afr»id, that tO»%jr tt*e le"«t, our ou<fmpwur)
| ainl il* natrons arc $iiM plaving the k»irtv»v. aml are ruiming oan*lMrtt * lion 1 aml th«ro aimHig th<? m&ny ~ *w*\9T\y of the \ātion;il . Party. \\ h.ii'h its » ni;ssaries h.-»r.e I'.- !i •■r*»aViii|C-
| Aiiioii£ tlhr! diflrer< ut nanu'P riv>niiīiat<'«i, we 1im«I the Missionary R"fv>rni :'arty. wnUewl throughoiut J aud rej)reKcnt<;d thus:* In the Na- ; tiv« Son« of Haw.iii, 15. F. i)il)iQ£* ham, Jno Knu. M. Kaaukai, M. 'P. Robinstvn. for X)bles. Frauk !■■ Arch«»r, J. K. Kiiulia, A. P. Pet*r- ] *on. H. Makahalupa, Rev. S. Paaluhi. Repre»entative for the eounJ try—Oeeil Brown and J. L. Kau» | lukon. ! If this <»ro\vd not nee<V 4hc ' laeh of aoelal puriAcation, wedonot ; know what erowd does ? What scarcely,an t?xception we ean gay . to our cotemporary, and ite mie- | sionarv patrons, that aa thmr rep- . resentativc9 f they could not havē ! selected a hard#»r crowd from the ' *lums\of politics or ot eoeiali- ! tics thao the abovc Relection with ! ecaroely an exception. If money ' is the standard. and we know that that is the measure by whieh the | P. C. Advertiger judges character, I the Misaionary Reform Candidates take the palm, bot when i udged by aoy other standard, as a whole, they are we tfraid, under the need of rogeneration and social purifi€atbn by immmoh in liquid light* ning or aome burning lake of fire and brimatone. To wify &ar belief that the nominations of the sooalled Nativo Bona of Hawaii aro the repreBenfcv tive« of the Reform raisBionary Party. the quee»tiou wa* asked at a meeting of this asBociation, whieh re* pre«JntB a few law vers and political renepjade«, "whero doe» the Reform Pai*ty app»)ar inall these politica) | gatb€ring8 t M when Mr. J Cammins, i« etated to say, that he was doing I all the poliUeal buffin«Sß for tbat Party. Thie meane, the same old «l»rit in the Religio • Reform Party, that an«mated the good old Phaiieee that bdped to kill rigfrt-, [ eoueneea, i. e M the same spirit of anti-Chriat that *mmatcd the miesionary then animates ihem now. It is all Phaiiaee—all self —love of anything to aeoompKah the great desire for mammon, the reoio*iit fsfora party a** #01iog to be a!lied to anything hnman | or inhaman even if they w6re all j old adultererc and fornicatore.—the | 4i end ju*tUieQ the meana." with that ela». '