Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 361, 6 Ianuali 1892 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
* OTI€B. LAi>IKS wi*<hiiig ibelr leather« <iyec or eieaivd and <*vta! eaa harr it do«N by MRS. W£RTI!EHM. lOS BereUtūi» LADIKB wUlaiw lo peri(v Uwir eotopkukm uml i*»dkte uq aad imkln will he iMtocted by MR& WEBTHKRN fr«iofcharw. 108 BerPtuilg «trMi pael theArmorv. 3l7~dSm* MlieNotie«. Koo* ail bwi by th.H> sotk<e that imir ®fter thfe Me, I haw thi» day d»*~ cbarg«i Mr. H. 0. UkUnm, ta*T»c<t» K m *a »e*nt, for me m aav aeiM wh»tever, te tbech»rge aod admiai«tnttkm olaU my pntmt%y, aad ia Uie coHeotku olāll dMMM rmto epoo anv aad all my estate in thia k!ag3«m. Aay om who hoKla otm ia ponweaio». ol aay pro©erty or who has a»y or paymriita to aake, wttl traa£act th< wiUi me pemooaiWat aur pla<* at Honua*aha. at Hoaeiaia, uahu. KAPIOLANI. oer Jos, Navaui. Uonuluiu Nw. 3,1881. vK>xa. THE PACIFIC NO VELTY WORKS, ... - A. HEHINIi. Proprktor TTNDRRTA£ES ALL KINDS C»rrin| and TttmiQt in WooiUi or Ivorv, Polkihi?* ofSMfc or ot)t*r ckmam#nta. iinff Pftinitng. Ro|Munitg ol Muaieai ioalmiMklā» Oma, Mlm, mā wj Ugjbt Maehiimrr, Rlacirici*wk Maehini** abA LoeklinUh* liMimiaMiia» MMMI, •el, oud» lo wkr. Giv* t» i tsU 13t Fm Btrtat, Eoeolulu S«ft tf—d