Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 361, 6 Ianuali 1892 — Platform of Principle OF THE HAWAIIAN NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY. [ARTICLE]
IXDKpkNDENCk OF THE (X)IJNTRY PROTECTIOK TO HOM£ INI>UyTRH» 7. "We an» in lavor of esconraginf ail hoimi a£nrr>ltarv and indu*triea, andali our naiive products, llke rk«, wool. tobactx>, eie. «hou)d ha protected and Jnetered by iraer tariff f«golaUon; aud also it nuatto ihe duty of the Iyov> meni, in itn contr*o!s and other operatkHie, to give preferettee to naikmal piodueta owr imiiorted enea. PUBiJC IX)CAI,SELF.uoVKRNMKNT ft. We deaire a more libera) poUcy tnwarda the diffemit leta*H6i of thT Kii*doa. oulakle Oakiu; thev aīkoakl rt> c*iv« f £airer paoponioa of Um pahlie money* lor the d*v«k»naaiant of-th*tr n» aourre« and thei MUaiM'iini o( their ln laei. Ihe princi(de ol loeai SeU-fovemuient I ehonM be ostend»-1, whereby ir»vinii kmUiiw* auty ehnoee U* nMSt luportantA <iC tlieir U«l exerutive otftoera, and Wy iaaee for the purpoee lonal inu>n>\wfcetot* irfawiUk- nature. PRUTKtmOX TO THK LABOVTRING CLA?iBRB #. We *Hhall i'iKiw* al) meaiir.ee tendinft to im}>ru\v %kw ™*ndition of the wcrktnsr olaew«e. aad roa*equ»aitfe\ witb> oui itajuriag any veetod rithta, we «ill advoc*te lawe u» pmeel all further io* 15^ whkh wUI hring t| ink> a naiMaa aod deftadtnf eoanMUiipa with fre» Hawmi ia»erwh)t» labor. Wa ahall aieo, » ihe •(iha hKI» nuAmHm oi
BMALL FASMTNG AND iiOMK ffTKADS. 10. The wealthy £im'ttae of otir uo]mla.ion have hitherto ]uvvenledthe<£m4obment of an ii»«iepeit<|pnt daM of <*i ti7.cn? : .ihe puhik' laiHle-.liavi* been sor|uirvd aiwi * have betm tjed np in a (iw hand*9 01 to fuit favorite% and »bmH foroi«rt< «ihl h«w be*n driver wot by eMrporationß or < uoib>Batioas «f caritalistB; lmt at Baiail fermisisria'coti ' lticive u* ihe t>tabilitv of tlie Btate. k : Bhou!d pe eucaura«eU by a new jmd . jmore liWnU Homeetead act. bv whcfe the ownenhip of «maiL trac*tB of laiu! and ihe thereon of iamilie^ of our preeent popnlation,—and eapeeial: *y of the native lia%raiians vlm hav<heen left almeei homclesB in tb«recoun-try.-«hould be rendered poea.b)e. T«. ■. that ead t the <iovernment and Gro«i) kutda, ( in bo far aa ean be done witbout invadtng ve*ted right« ) «honkl bedevot ed aaaoo» as popaihle to hoßU9e4eade. aad oonlerrcd npon bona-fide - | free of taxes for a limiled pertod. It ahonki bethe further aim ot gorernment to, at onee, ao far improve thcmeana of traagport tioo,—i©cal f hatkfeal and interoational,—ae to provide, ir I all the dielriGls t dteāp «eans oI coaveying the predttct of the eoO to market. 1 F.LECTDRAL RIHGT 11. We hold that BprSght and honaei meahood, and not the r n "ffinh» ot wealth,arl>itrarfi } :ed, ehooM cesetiihe rightto 1« nobies aaweila* repfwentauvea. and no ame power ahouWbe acoorded to the balk»t ol thf rich m%n than feo the bdlnt oI thf ■ ■ poor man. The diarriiiiinstion in ta\x»i M wealth now made in wOoastaatm. is contrary to aU Uw» eleraal pii»o%ki, <rf right and joeū». and B«st be ahoiieh* ed. To this end, we will lav9r a ieveling of thepraeent di«titt<stlonof wealU. and Haoscw whk-h hlemkh oor l«w»» with respsct <rfthe right to vote fsr bo bk», thereby reetoriiii to the nativt Hawaaaoē f»ivik»ee whkh pertam to tkem in U»ir owa com»tary, «ad of whki they havebeea ontost)T deprived. INTEENAL DfPROVEMENTS 12 Wefavorthe expeaditnreofßufli cienttminBto secare a ttoxaber ol aeedeu publk improvemenUj onf lahn aod otber IsUmdB; eehool, raiiroaite and harbom and whar\ee, poblic kght, and alao h thorough ayatesn of ree*rvoire amt water-worhs, pot only for hut throooh-ont the otfasr !alanda.