Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 361, 6 January 1892 — The Reason. [ARTICLE]

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The Reason.

: i»[>ours that thcre are *[uite a i ;>M»r of \V"aialua p»xiplv ui t©wn, sooi( k on viriita to their <listunt rdationg. This inUux from Uie < mtfy led ue 10 inquire the rea.l of thiH f«iiddcn desire for travel. VrUen we were toW that th f, y had . becau96, they not want to W coaxed, hoaxt>d. coerced, and mtimidated iiito niaking false promises, eveD to political hangere on of a royal pereonage (office holdere i !uded). We have heard tfcat 1 has been uaonoy and favore l and promiae4, if the people m īii onlv viie the straight ticket (f) It seea)g a little Btratig9 thai her most graciōoe Majeaty Bhoold feel (uilled to Tisit Wai&lu* atthU blealr aod wintrj time of the yeār. We hope it is not born ef discontent that her royal viait w&ā made, bqt ooly ameliorate the co»dition of hj- >ufiering milliona from ihe grasping h&ndof the land ahark and slave i driTBr, whoee inter»wt ahe hae epe* oially fa?ored heretofore. This qualm ieonemenee, we eincerely pr»y «nd pioii«ly bspe thftt ii wiU ; oot make her Majeetgr onw<dl, a6d that &11 the evil eplrlte ae mufeh dreaded by roya!ty of old, will iake the hint, for of such, my deer brethren, ia the kingdom of Hawaii.