Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 360, 5 Ianuali 1892 — Perfect Health. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Perfect Health.

The of perfect heaHli is tbe first gr@at , e«Rentia) f®r hap pineap; it is equally tt>e flrst e«&ential for the perfect oxcorcise ot tnind; and i't therefore forms the first item for our consid«ration wheo wo ask ihe question, 1« iifc worth iivintf? To the healthy luan. or woman who takes cure of the body, all things in the way x»£ advance aud enioyment, physical and mentai are po&ftibl& Cutiveraelyt> wiih a body w©akened, no matter how or why« moai thinga bc?come impossible, or, if no! actualiy unat tainahle, they are at ijeaat achieved with difficulty, and through and tribqlation of »pirit .Sound heailh ie ihe firrt condition jfor enjoying life; and, if we refiect upon the eomiaon causes of 4ife'B lailure in a eoeiai sense, we inay prove that mu?h of the want of succeas ia due to phybicsl ineapaqity to cnjoy exktence. Thifr capacity, again, largely ar:seB fropi the laek of knowledgo nbout heaUh and its lawB.—/)r. A. - IH'lwim. . I