Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 360, 5 Ianuali 1892 — Be Just. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Be Just.

We are more ihan pl«ag«J, >re are in fact intensely glad that tb« 1\ C. Advertiaer has Uken an oiltFj)oken pomllen in protesting agaiailt the conr«rting the polioe into «ol* dien, and inetead of d<ung their dnt j u peliee havii>i Uiem eon--Btantly on drin or |*rade duty, >9.w& as a natnral oo&seqiieiice a careleBS and inefßcient body in the proper exercise of the functions, for whieh they are really employ«l, I eren with the palaee goard there , 18 mueh raore d>splay than there is any need for driliing purpoēe«. who knowB in these davs of belligerent talk, but that Chile may hear of miiitary }>arades and reviewt, and when they get through with United Btate* eone aad bounce ua and take u&in on the way aa a little hy playS- | Bot £aoetkmet«SB aside why was there not ikolt found before with tbe arming 6f tb* poiiee, under the CulMiii»#-Brown-Petereon admhiktration, andjoiti yeer ago tbe in the.ManhsF« Department, were giving cxhibitions in eenvertiog opio m into poi and molami, and tnal!y wneu they fon&d were taktog ttt»« Uian Uie oaoal interest in tbe leg«nhmai» iwelepmenl#. THey enēeavored to eall the attentkm «f īhe pahlie away from them*elvee by Bprceding repote of Hokoa con~ *|>ira*ie« revn)ntKma tbat bad eo extHtanoe wbatever. and all tbe fuw» about «ight atteelni apon i&e Poliee BtatkH), aimed aoublegQarda, ac., reeuited in the ng)e ae ihe pubHr. were not ta be jfttlied, ydt tbe i>reas of Ileuolulu kejU »lent 011 thematter