Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 360, 5 Ianuali 1892 — [Illegible] Vs. Social Vices. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

[Illegible] Vs. Social Vices.

' " .i thi," t:t]<* wr ■ prop.<«c ■ t:i\- iii a> i>; rt nu-r £08jk . .ia'advocaf\v of m! puritv Hiwi. tlie oi .tll tl:ingH \h. ' arc in)piire-—' Ki'ui) thv>e.lf is m? ji inr»tto lor any j. n or wotuar. to foll«>\v In or<{«T to f h* !r woll-bf»ing as aiiy w< -ft'r.i'n«l. It is the j«-iivts(->ri»ik ■4<» ill Ih* 1 vnjoyn»ent that mua oaii to. lt -vtll gi\v Tiim rnoro ii. ■v:irw than anvthing <>lse that - ean hop< for :;ri<l oxpeot to .<• in this worl<i. a:vd when he 4 uinfnl that he hvs r>bt:iin--4 i ■ '. It i ; tor<\ by following all bat is {īu htk! truc. all that i« onest anei noble, that we are enW 1 to reac h tho aome of our de*im;/. thc object of lif*i jn thig and in t iat *phere to eome. Then if that is the case, let \»r look i'? cond|tion that we are in, auvi see if we are keeping ourselvoB free fr«m the irapurities a£ life as mdiv?duals, as families, anu as a N We are afraid, that, fiom t!»e evidenceB we »ee around us, tbat we »re īnoek like the world, ihal weare fel! of all aneleaaneM. The open as well hidden pra«iioe» of oor hvm are for ftaw hefog pore, whaii Uken ae a whole In«tō«d of be&ng thankful fo r the xn&ny blMiiigs that surround us, and k»kfng npon the ease with whieh a Hvelihood ean always lie obtained here, without any danger or : isk to life or linib. without the eiarvation that raillions are now RulfcrinjK in other partf> of the vorld, to iodut« ub to an impure life, it seems to us tbcr*Mght of ingratitadē to a henefieient Creator, that cmr moral as wel! as our poeial > ♦ tU81« as it 38 to-day. \ny oae to verify any <loubtB in his mind, ean go $n the - treeto *od lietes to tfae ibolish ;npure conve*sations, tbe ftlthy and rude jeBting thai are hfeard every wlieie; let thew take a birds «V. view of the Pari, aod fnd <teft tbe miiMOi» vHbick» kwdeddownwith thei**fch« ioaai of oorraptMMi l that vbit -i*m plioee, in pein, aeiē'i» a Kiateafaami $ntoxlcatien, and lnn Uve trath £or thcmselvBe. Manr hav« eeen ioo mueh <Mdeace to doubt, or to elaiiii that the picture as overdrawn. in vlew of thec*}ii(litionofa{fairii, wo hold, it js the ilutv of this government, frora ihe ('hief Kxecutive to the lowest pul.'lie s» rvant to *ee that a rcnovatioii hlkjul<] bcinitiat<*d» thesiselves »ett i ng the exampl«, of a pore private as well as a pure puhlie life. Visiting churchos and making contributinnn, or giring alros. does not bv anv mean? ilo Away with the ovils» nor help the natton. Thooth our >overeiun huly uiay glve all her goods to help the )ftor, aml she does not do it with ihim notim it prolteth nothing; ,īt hrtng6th no good to thegiver, nor th<» rsoe*nr, nor to the «tate : The oTrenov«Ung and nmk* ing p«m the atmatphefe ot

oor societyvfthould he tbe graadaim ! of tbe government. Jt is forthatpur- ' pos • that government6 are instit uted. that laws are madē. and oi- | ficials are called into exi«tence, to <»arrj out the dutv of preserving ,a V pure f?:>pial smd nat lonal exietence. l (Aole pau>. ■ «.