Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 359, 4 January 1892 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]

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Tbat afUtr aii oeeaaional ipdal|me ale, tbe Hoedlefe «n ImmM' to MHt: Utal. 'lM'' gf> T«rnimßt «U /»rjit «»; ih«t(« aot w« mnniii tb* aot«rier d*Mttmint aa ita—do you o>mntd now. Th«t tb« Maui poKilwi. who » •l*v ontop w a waman flsfat, U f fa*W«UH m Ooional, «s4 i» Um Mar ftftn» paU aa a Bnt* ootnmand of tb« {idia»-ii>>Waitinf. ' «phinaliine eha* m*. Mjm*reoameßd ne to thedeah«, wmm+mm-'- ... .« ' «Mit.£Lrr jf-^3 Di«l eno* !Jt?K the<femhfe iopnuw*

That «ome of ibe ald Sna «m <mt for all that i« l«od ed oo tlie |Eoob« «ide fnieii tb« HtrtaiUneo tbat trade heiwmn Frim aod Hoooliilu and Oitl oooMicm«)ly lav Jobji V* bui !d a rnf| to Hoat a»Uore th* Ptuff—px rMr ry Winalemen» as sb« lay ft>r tw» i»tv Amr tkours in di#tr'BK «him «h^

i Uat llii' Sla S!». 4 i w»8 hr;«n! tt> wy ihu» hf UHii \V :tnd th:it h;» wouUI r.\» whH! Hon R. W Wilc*vx ni>» Kl*7«t !•«#*•

'8 lli? cs»naing Wjum«ft, Knuai, ReDP«K*ntutne tho next cleot»n. rhnt W. O. &aittt, Btft»d* b««t at Kolea «nd Uhm; and thot 4. KahiHna » Ukoty U>gury HanaM.

HIIAU, ANl> ĪIOME £TRAI>H. 10. Tl»' wealtiiy (raction ofoarp(H>aia .kil» .b«v« liitherto i>r«veat«l th<*dbT«do|» ment oi&u imlopeiHleiit ciai<» of c-itir«:Df: ih<* puMK* Uu«lii iuivo heea ac«tiiimi a»u! liA\e be#u tied up in a fcw handK •* intrcieU«tt to mili fAvonte«, «iil CarinerH plimlem have |«ei» <isivefi wi by eorporationn or ros)b(iuitk>tii» oi 4 aplt&h»sUi; V>ut as sma)! i&rm'mfs is <xm tiuivo to the sfeja*tttv of tbe &ate,& pe euceur&£«d by a n** «&} more liheml Hom6et«ikl act, bir vhrh the ownership »f emaU tr»cU of laiwl an«l Uie tsettlement thereon of of ouf present popalaUan,*—«iml enpTs ialt ly of the native. liawaiian» w}k> hav« been Wft almoal homeleM in therwoountry -ehonld be rendered poes.bie. Tn thM «nd, the aad Owrn laiNh. (in eo far m ean be done withoot invadtnft \-estedrightB ) iihoald bedevM> ed aaeoon ae poadbie to nnd oralerred np<ni bona*fide eettkr> |frM oI taxes ier a )imHed penod. It shonkt helhe fturther aam «4 gmment to, at onee, ao ier £he [ Muie ol %nampmt tioo,—loeal, MiUon- .*| «»d intermUioaalaa to provi<fe, in ine the predaet ol the eofl to market. "

KLECTOEAJU rihgt 1L Wo hōM ŪMI apr%iil«Aa hnmmi »a»lwed. asd oot ftlae pniiwwi iu oi w«Utk, a*Mtigrjt? fl»ed, ewHi* ih* rlghttoTote for noM« Aoold be «oomled tatiui IwlloieHlio io U» fattHot «I ike porr*»a. 3te«seriniMtiot} fefMat of*aaUbii6w*adeift w Ui ooqlr«7 lo all i&e ulalllMl fjdMf|ea of right aad laeliee. eiiamiiellielwKed. •' Totl»i«fled f «e wiil lnr <rf tia* pf«Mt dfatieetiea of v«alth aad plinooe whieh hkaiMh <mr it«« with req>eetQlthe right to votefor* aoWee, thereby reoto«iaf «e>tt» Bsti&o «*tta»prt^eg IKTWALIIHW) 12 Wa^tl|e r «Epaßditii«efea* B«a%er el aaeM enOaha asd ether faln4e; eeheal, ratitaade aad harbm paMie ligbt, aad aiee a waler warhe, sot onfr ler hot throo«lwrattheotber lehmie. _