Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 359, 4 Ianuali 1892 — CITIES OF THE PLAIN. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


yw up fn>m th© wr»ih ot Ood'e lernble day! f?ngirtlt*d, aniwndalkKl ( ari«p aad *«*> ! *Tif t!io vint«ncf bh*Kt, ti« tht> IuIiMHM o( tiua(* An«i shali jfltfh»*r tb»» har¥9n Tli** wamiiiK wa.; pokt*n; tlup ri«t»t«Mir l«*u An«! ii«v »!»• «»• »»!»« ,»f s d»m m«n» lt»»t .iIOIK' , Al. t.»<» tb* r«vH w*j> A i » o.»»:».•.»»», n.x . ».« •»«> k , *Tw4»i an «Kt»mnjj »1 b»>iuty; tt»f nir wa« The «iHI» al! <mQfw, th» tn«a wm» %i\ hliKHn; A»hl «».itly tl* d«*ti«mt» viol w§6 h«arU, l.ike ilu' taurmur ul )M or th« do(n oi ahini. 1

r»n<l htHiitifnl maMen movcd <Uiwn in tiw «lanee, i ; --- YVith the niBgi<* of niot!on mnl HinHhine of jdance: \n<l whit<» armw wTwiti)fs.l lightly, :m«i tr«wreift fo»ll »ne As »'plumaae <>f hir*ls in ir<>)>it-al Wlierc the »hnnvi< "of i'oul i«lol* \*ere ■ liirht«d on h gfi. And wantonne»'f the lnaf <>T tbe eye: Midat riiee of olwmnene*'*, r-i rans», lo&thsome, abhorred, Th<» h(aAphemer »rof*V»<l ut th»> name of , the Lord. Hark ! tbe grwl of the thunder — tho quaking;of earth 1 Woe, woe to the worship } a»d w«e to tJ»e mirtb! V Tt»« Maek eky haa opea«d, — there's flame in tbe air,~ Tb6 *ed arm oI ven&eance i8 lifted aad d«re! Tben the ehriek of the dyinsc rose wiki where the eong And tha W>w tone of love had baen whiaperedaioiig; For tbe fieroe flame« went lightly o'er palaee and bower, Like tbe red toßguee of (kamma. to biaat aod dpvoor! downontbelaUea the min nM, Aod the Teveiter aank with hie wine-enp Tbe foot of tbe dancer, the moeie'Bloved ihrill, And tbe»hoat and the laugbter, grew '■ j _v . ! The> laet t£iroV(& angaiBh wae fearfollv igfrm; ; The laeteye glar©d forth in ita madneBB The M groaa oi horro r roae widly and Aad dsath teoodad over the pride o< the ■pWw! —Wktoier, I