Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 358, 1 January 1892 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
* 50TICE. LAJ>IKS wi*binz tl»eir ieathers dyed or <i«an*d m«d cnrfca ean liave it «iooe hy MJtS..WEKTHKKN ■Straet. LAPIKS «iohinii to puriiv their co«uplwLioo and ci«dfaue tan and fntckh« wiU he tnstiicted by URB. WKRTHKRN i*m of dhacge. 10S Uereuo» the Armon*. 317—«Eim* PihUeMee. •£»Siß;xr M s > sK, , s duuBsd Xf. H. O. maKlm* piwwiii ZSxt^SS^T^E « UoauMk, at Hoaeiuli». <5&o KAHOLAM. p®r Jo«* Nawami. tloQvlulo 2?ov. IR9I .1-s®. THE PACIFI('IS VELTY WORKS. A.HSRIK(i. Proprfefor. TT NnKRTAKKS ALL K*ndb. *rf Cjtrrin|r aml TtirnlaK in \Vootls or l\T»ry, PolUhittg dTSMk grpiher omneuēnla, &mv Fivk» uui (lkMiiii| ®f lunMl Itistrom«»Us Sc*lo& uk} aay IJ|ht M«ehĪMnr. Eiectrici*na, «inilha. I>fc* ln9trttßMt»t#x eet, tttde tn or^r. \w ««ri»! IW ftNrt Slmt % $43 tf—<!