Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 358, 1 January 1892 — Platform of Principle OF THE HAWAIIAN NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY. [ARTICLE]

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ISI)KI'KNDKM"H OF THK CI H"JJTBY i MONOW)LIKS | phull u*e otir efibvts io ohlain i law« by-w!..ch all favoritiacn in the go,- , ornluent aad all mono{Ktiies, troata and privileget to «peeial elawee «hall be rcadered impoāiiUe, hy full, detinite and mandatorv atatutes. 6, BetUtflawsshould regulatetlie Ct-I of the e»«H «0 PROCaCTU» TO HOilE IN- ! wmmm 7. We ar« in f»or of t«ooux«flciag ill homo amahon aodMwihmM our a*tTv(ft produ?ft», llko rk», c«flteb wwol. lohaeeo. *U . «houkl be *nd fo«rteeed by urop*r tariff n*gulatlon; i and alm> iloiuM oe the duty ot' the GovI ment, in ita contrart« and other operaiioaa, to td%*e prefere«Mv to natkmal produrts over iinik>rted unoe. PPBI!.IC B«HVANT??. I \H AL VKRNMEST t H. W» dtteire a u*ore lihenU policy towardb* the dUfe<rent I<da«%de ol' the KiMdom, ouUido of Oahu; th*y i>liouid t&r m\*o a fairer proportkai of the puhlie for tln> dev*lopn*am of th«ār reaonn'eK and the «*tVfaetirn of tMr wanti>. In faci, the principl« of hni N4f-go%-enimebit ehonM I*» ext*nd«d, wlierebv givintlonalitiea may ehoeiae the RHwt im}KMrtant of their lonil eioc«tive an*l levy ft»r the purpe»«e i l« cal imnro\Tni«iitii of a ouUie uature. WOĪF.(tIOS TOTHK LABOI'BIKU CL\SrsKB We ahall endorse aU moa*ure Uwitng to id)4wc ti»e condition of ihe work»ngcla»«# t »i»d roafeqn>Hitiy, «iihout injnrinf; any \tH>ted *rightfi. we wlll advorato law* to prrvont aU turther lm> iM>rtatioa or of «tmtract« <abar oS anv kmd, upon c*md!tfcma whh*h will ltriaglt into a raiiMMe aad (U«niHlii| ttMwiiH(« wllh fre* Hawai ian or white WW. We eluiU al»o. i» I the iat#reat of tht Wttwr nn>taciMm o*

111 'i inniiiiinii iiiiiiiiiiiiHMiiiMiiiiwiiiiiiiiiipii MA U. KAIIIIVMG„ AH& XTE4UH, . • . 10. TtM» w«a!iliy fractioßof owr.Mpqjb> *j<*) I»av« prtn^ited melil <»f rii imtepemt«f)f efam īaiHi» beaa a*x{uiwl aad hav« beci& tM Up in a few bsmd» or to iav&r»teēt «wi *«*£ 7 fari»efs <tnd i»UinU»rB h*v* heea »et br cnrpo?*tKmo or cowiHmittep» / aa«n#llOwmia^ 4twlve alabilHr of tb« sboald p« etk4Mtagged Iw a .pr. *•* ' mmUlml. H«Mst«d aet, & wbcb the ownerriii|i of «mOl tr»cta ©f tetx) sud tbe e*ttlei»ent thereoaof kunlhaa of our preaaßt_po|HilatkMi k ~-aa(l«B|seekll ty of tbe nativc Hivūians wbo have heen Ifft i« tber»eo«m-try.-«houW be raMicved iwaauMa. To that end, the UowaM āad Oo«d laxidb. ( ia ao far as eaa be done witiboat tnvßdtmc ve»tod rightts) sbouM bedewted aa aooa ae po»ibk> to ttoißeeiead». and ooafen«4 «poa bon»Hßde nrttle>* |lree ol Uxea %>r » li»ited peneē. lt shoold be tbe fcrther aiin ot gr*«m~ ment to, al onee, ao ka iaapmve the aieaaa eC traaeport> tk>n,—loeal, :al aad ißt«niatkmal.—ae* top7avkie, b I all the di»trkto, rheap ma*m ol ceßveyS ing tbe predact <A tbe «oO to msukrt. i KUECTO*AL RIHGT i 11. We' hoM that upr%ht aad boeeßt manhood. ntl nTt Thn T>iiihhhiiiT<7ii oi vealth, «fbltrr - eboaM eaaeb%be r%ht to vo'- '' nobk« n wdl m repfeeoßtattvea, , m im> ®or* pmr nhouH be «ceorded to tlie ba!lot<rftbe rich aiia than to Uie ballnt el tbe I>oor niati. The discrimiimtk>n in favov of weaWi now niaik* in enr Congtitntioit »« oontrarj- to all tbe Hemil prtßcipk» of ri|Hit am( juKtice. and miwt be abolieh< «1. To thi« «m<l f we will fevor*a level« ifiK' the pret*m <U»>tiuctlon of wealth and <>laost* whieh Ueniieh oar lawt« with respe<t of the rig)it to vote lor aoblc«, thew»l*y restoriag to llie native I!awaifalafl privilegee whieh pertain to t hem in tbeir owa country, aad of wfakrh tbe3* l«ve beea aoi«etlv deprived. INTERXAL mPR4)VKMEKTB 12 We favor th« uxpeaditure of aoflieient »vaas to secure a nnmber of needeil pnWie iaiproveaM9ats oaOaha aml otbar I»laiide: aehool, nūlraade aminiarborB aad wbarves t pnWie light, and aleoa thomugh »yatem of ieeemire aad water-woriw, aot oaly !or Hoaohiln, bat throach-oattbeotber Idanda.