Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 358, 1 January 1892 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]

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Th:i* a ruiin»ter tmce a l' ttor tli«? l>iplon»ntir afik*rn of a k> iaad

aahor<* un<t t:tk<' u -ī b<* <")untn% lMK!auw} thir r*vcmtfn d d notcan' to hav< ■ 'i'hal j>oor llowler was disa}K>intcd at the >f their little pian Ho. bag the Hui Kālaiaina, at«td i» out of poekei by the uporatiorL That th*i lK>w(d)ler i» ai»xiouft tobocome a pcer t and is bold e:iough to hope for a noōiihation, in orde? to enter BoodleCa«tle wiUi a handlc to little u Johllny,. ,, Tbat the*feulletin oditor findtōg himself f witb its numerous a«at9» tants, unable tf> eope with K A Leo, says it ought to be supprmed. | That the Bulletin has been trying ail to i suppress the nattve r HawaiiAn», under thc profee eion !of beihg tbeir friendB, and finding that'the natives do not want any more sucli friend«. w(H)ld like now !to suppress the oniy freo and independent press in the country. ! That a reformer of considerab!e infiuei&ce in Hilo, says, that all they are «o anxious about is to get [ men in theLegislature to agree to I the ce&Bion of Pearl Harbor. And j for what ? . j : I !'hat a lcttcr was written by tbe present opponeut of the Leaderg of the National Liberty Party, who biis the !argest -voioe in the man* agement ef the Holomua, intended for the Amcricun Ucpresentative | here« urging hiin to land treopa | and annex the country** How is | thie for <jumin events? who ! these traitwe tben. and who are ! the patriotn now? Eeho says that 1 the traitore then are tbe -aauH; now , snd who wrotc thoee leilw».