Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 358, 1 Ianuali 1892 — THE VILLAGE CHOIR. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


IlaU a bar f b nlf a i*ar, Ha)f a bir ou%rard! Into an awful ditcb f - Choir and I*recent4>r bitch, Into a īds*w of piieh, Thcy led the OM HnndreJ, TrohU f to thi- riuht of thcni, Twi«rs to tl»eai, Haf>net« 111 front oi* tlieiu, lk»ll«»ned and thnndered. (Hi, that I*re«vntfMr'rtlook, When th« »»opranos toolf Thcir own timeand hook. Fn»ni thc ilUiHundred. Btyreoched all tiie treWea hewi, Boggled the tenart there, — the pareon'« hair, Whileluemißed:wanderod; ] thfi»Bal(»NiMß vly Thi* P*atawa« |*elied u>6 h«h: Their« hut tO *ftd cry ] Otit«io<MdHundred. Trebleoto U>o ri>hl of tbe«, Tetwwe to4be lalMii them, Hawee in frdet <rf ihem, ftormed they win sw«Bd yell Not niw they «ang t sor well, Orownin2 thr Kextoh'H hell, While a!l the ehuroh wondeml. • l>itv Uie lVfv«iutoi \i Klare, Planh'd hi» piu>hlork in air, BountUug irtHih <key« to Out tha oi«l Hiindr*d. ?<wiftljr he t ttrned his haek, he hi* hat from rj4 4 k. Ti>»»n fn»ui paek hi *ui*lered Tenori to tlie right of I iui, Tr« hleH tr« the left of hin, j i>it«*oniK l)ehiiid him, ! llell >vi d and Uinn«lered -j Oh, the wild howV< U»ey>Toiigh« * Ri|fM t»> tln« « nd they fb»ght! S«iiiie tuiievi.i y wutg, hu( not, J KiU īh« Ohl llim«lml. j I