Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 358, 1 January 1892 — SICILY LEMONS. [ARTICLE]

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WV «»«it han«l<*l n !uuon imi>oftod j

from Itaiy by way of j Vark :n:<l ovr!;irhl to Hai* Fruncisou, bv tho iirin knou n n* tb«' l'aliiomni Fnīit. M.irkot t oaipai'iv. j Tlie*e citrus fruits i i ou»o here in perfect eondition in boxe« of one tbousand, box after box beinghjk?n<xl without a liuie to be foui»l in thcn>. v Tliov arfc yerv Awfullv picked auii pack»Hl in tintoil piipor. Tht*?e fruit arc producc«l hcr<' ; an<l aro nivsed on the Morris ? « ranch at Kalihi Ya!ley,, and at Mr. E(nmeUith ? B at the risc to Nuuanu ViUlejr. but not near pulHeipni to suniilv prcf»<ent detnand. Th» fruit raised licrc is as" good as any importe<l aud the tree w a goo«l grower and prolific bearer. Jt takes about three or four years to be in full bearing. There i* an unexhftustible demand for ihie article, and many other fruita, whieh we cari rai«e here, that pay« the investment at cent per cent. The produce of pineappk, and oth er tropieal froits are lost sight of in the great«r pugar spramnle. We knōw tbat pine applee are not to be bad for less than fifty to aeventT-five centB eaeh, wherethev otight U> pay at five cent eaeh. :is showr bv the prospectUB issued'hy the Tearl City Pruit Company. Why whino about i our proapects, when thc market is i iimitlosB for tro)>ical fru:tfl whieh J grows berr proliljc.il ly and luxuri- | antly. Bo«h al>out sugar being tluv on!y Htaule produet for this countfy, j when all the uugar milie could be utilized as canning factorief» for pine-applea, alone, haviiiK thc wor!d for a murk»t l and thereby , giving onvployment to skilled and unBkilled labor for'ft large &nd intel--ligent populaUon.