Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 358, 1 January 1892 — The Hon. R. W. Wilcox. [ARTICLE]
The Hon. R. W. Wilcox.
We weleome bar.k, the hooorabl <* eenlleman from hie tour to the windward inlanele, of Hawaii and Maui. in ihe inter<«t of the people ! and in of llie princ!tf>le of popnlar goveriiinentf, and aluo to confer with the native Hawaiions in makiuK their aeleeiione for Hep« reeenUUvos and Noble». While reproseiitittg the popuJar Party, composed of the Nationfi! Liberal aud the īnternational Liberal I*>a£ue, hie pre»ent tour haa been undertaken more in the intertetanci at the reqt»e6i' of tho country people. Mr. Wileoe ie very popular ifHh the . Hawaiiai». and they looked upon him ae «m of their 9pectal adyis«fß, whalever be 9Uirge*t# to readily accepted. We arc particolar!y ploaaod to aote Uiat atl tbv c&lumnieB that are being attcznpted to] injure him, and through him the |«rtv of tbe People, han hatl no effer,t in ihe mlnd of llio maaaea The man, i.« very naturally idolisetl for hi«« atiempt to ref*tore their loet com?titqtional righU, and therisk whioh he tooic in doing «a The«e ieil with Hjwaiiana, mcire ihan anything our wcalthy Hawaiiana eaii do towards him through th«'ir weahh m thrm»gh the f*w Isiwy«.»r«» wli'» havd aold tbemp*jlvt»* likr.l \u la6i*« t\>r .pelf. vU\t hiU* by*« n v«*rv mn'eeii?we prrdict a graud Tictory C»r tIH» Nationn'. Lihemla throupli<»ut ctitiro c>ulor diatr»ot* I