Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 358, 1 January 1892 — A Coaltion Meeting. [ARTICLE]

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A Coaltion Meeting.

Thf*meetiuj* of the Meeliauiea l'nion and the HuL Kalaiaina. whichjacddentally took plaee o« purpo#»e . at*thc' Robinaon Hall, fail<Ml to ma4erali*e. The objecl of this coming togethcr accidentaliy i was to see if thcy corld possibly get the nativu Hui Kalaiaina to swallow another platform of principleB. whieh. in case it wae done, would make three for the latter. The meeting was so slim, wHh even the eomhiaaiion of thc two' politicai organizations, that |the President MoKenzie,- who has been prestdiqg, gave out after waiting uhtil 8 o-eloek P. M. that tlftwMechanics Hnion would withdraw. whieh !eft thtf?balance of the evening apd thc hall to the Hui Kalaiaiana, composed of a few disappOinted reform native lawyers. We pity people, and hope thoy will mend their ways. The Hui Kalaiaina'i meeting ended in caseous vaporingd from Kaolu* | kou and Testoi,