Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 356, 30 December 1891 — Platform of Principle OF THE HAWAIIAN NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY. [ARTICLE]

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TEIĒOGTJISTKY It shouid bethe |rfxißer alm ot govemment to» at onee, && fax ims3tov& tfee means «f traßSipartE Mon ,~loeal, national and mteraatiG»?J,-~as to profKie ? in * all the districte, eheap iiie&j>s of ing the pr®ducfe oi tbe scal to market. KLE€TOfi£L RXHGT 11. We hoSl that uprigbt asd hohest manhood,- and not the of wealth, arbitrarily fixed, should co»sfethe right to vote for well a& representat3vos, and no more power should be aecorded to the ba!lot of the rich m<m ihan to the b&ilot.of the poor man. o The discriminatM>a īn iavor of wealth now ma£e ln ~ditr Oonstitatlon is alj tfee efcmial §»ri£eig£tes of right aasi j«eto 5 sttdmugt be abeHsked. To this end, -we wni favoi* $ leve|iag diBtiaftUon of weāiJ6 l and ,classes whieh ble»aigh our |aws with respect of fche vote for aobles, thereby ri€storiiig to the nafciye Haw&iiaas privileges f*®taia to them in their €OG»try, aadof whkh they have bee& deprived. IMPBOVEMEKT? 12 Werfavorthe expenditure cieat «ims t to secare a number of aeeded puhlie improvemeni® da ttahn and other Mands; school, railrtmds and harbors and wharves, pnblic light, and alaoa thorough syatem of reservoirs and i water-worfes, not only for Hoaohilu, bnt I throuaih-out the other l6lands.