Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 356, 30 December 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]
That the Grand .Tury (our darliag Attomey General) whl indite t"ne proprietor of Bood!e Castle. That Chinese supply all uniforms, shoes and to the Queen's Guard. That the Captain is a mem. ber ot the IVjeehanios Union Executive Committee. Boodle ag»in. ' How well he lo?es the { ehanics. | That tLe Pqi,lace servants and yeomanry rece[ive their supplies of >fehoesretc, direct from Sān This is somej of the eoaehman'a work who has since been promoted to private secretary, und is to be nommee for repr.esentative, from the Mechauics U]nion for Ward one. That a political document was circulated in the Hōman Catholic Cathedral for| and State agajn. That an old Teuton and a white washed Hawaiian, wene seen among the members ofthe Catholic Churcb, A pair of wolves iii -&k«&ps c!othing. One is anc4d emaginary grand and the other fc is &n imaginary saint ans philosopher ofthe Fort Street fold. That the nieat monoply hap been reinforced latclv. Tbat Noble H. A. Widemann and Mr. J.C.Carter were seen workiing the poJritical maehine the |other dav. liome and the Kefor- | mation pooling in jx>litics. , That Queenite influence is }>eing j spxead to cat< 4 h votes, but it is no j use. The )>eople are not so wilh mneh in love witli loyalty as 4% • seems in the purfacp» | That J, X. S. \vould be wise not j to plaee himself in iee as waa the jCase with Ah Young, wheo the latter was snowed under by Jon Pism&rk, laat lime don*t you know« 1 hat th* D>rtitications of Hiver> &nd m6ney to be «oeal in Uiai dirootio#bv theUnited Btates, would not hel]> the poor people of thcse Isfands but might possibly e*rich the lan l )iolders and BpeeU' lators. not t»he Eatidy* I>ai\dy AiSBe3or -: ; J--'- - : *That the XaHve w Sona of Haw*u v had a poor t«rn vMit thi» tion;. but,
and coimected to om massm, with aiToFgaa-groāi &&d M& m~ . gan, to s# ih© l# to jfNbfee£ii*gtheir jil>berisb. Four toealL ths people will also ba em- 1 ployed to insqre a corporais gimrd to hear the sōns.