Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 356, 30 December 1891 — A LETTER. [ARTICLE]
Ei>itoe Ka Leo Sīk: I deeply ; \our referenee in tlie raoraiug s igsue to the Hon. H. A. Wideiaann. the *more, because I am made responsible in a raeasure for your strictures. Mr. Widemann over tweoty years ago, gave mē heJp and encouragement to pursue my way in proper paths, and I never have nor wlll express any other opinion of him, than that I am his friend and well tried supilorter. Mr. Editor, private and eareless talk around a table, should not be used as matter for political squibs, and all I ask for vou is lirat "whep you have lived jSls many winters as our friend Hon. H. A. W.,vou show as good and unblemished front as does him, who in his old age had <i all ?? as Shakepeare says~should aethat stage, children, grand children and trooiss of friends. , J. Oi.ns. Empire House.- .