Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 356, 30 December 1891 — Mitchell from Alabama [ARTICLE]

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Mitchell from Alabama

'Ū3 gentleman from Alabama, touiv the rostrum at the meeting of the International League. and from an overflowing heart, and witb the voice of an honest man. gare one of tl;e most-pointed atad emphatic >pf eehes we ever had the pleasure •>f listening to. The apeeeh was a deehration from honest lips, brief m.i 10 the pomt, saving in svibstance that if there were ,a few sin- j cere men in the countFy, they would ! bē a change for the better very soon* \ in?tead of the rotten governmentj that we are living under. It is an ! outrage and is getting intolerable, j and it is high time that honest! working:men shou-Ld unite and break i down such tyranny. | -■~ . ' i