Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 355, 29 December 1891 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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NOTICE. LADIES wishing their f«sttbers or dean«d and hav« ifc fc doB&"~* by MKB. WERTHEKkT 103 Beretaiua * Street LADIES wishiag to purify their eowplexion and cradiate tan āad freckles wi» he inst«cted by MRS. WEKTHERN iree of charge. 103 Beretesia &treet past the Armorv. 317—it3m* , Pnblie Notiee. Know all men by thls that from and after this date, I h«ve this day discharged Mr. H. C. Ulukou, Ihwoi acting as «u agent, {orioe in any sense wha*» ever* in thechaige and admioistratkm of «0 my property, aadin the oo!teetkm oC all dtt«? and rents upon any and all my estate in this k;ngdmn. % one wfeo holda oris in po6&essik>a «rf a»y proi>erty or who has an> >ius!b*s3 or payments %o make, wifl 9»me with me per9onaUv. at my at Honuak«hii, at llo»oi«liiU Ulhliu' KAPIOLA^I. perJw. NAW*m. ffon«Uihi23ov. 3,1301. THE mii.e NOVELTX WOjUvS, A. HEHINU. l > roprietor. TTXI>KRTAKE£ \LL KIKDS CMfi«| «»tl Tami»| in Woods or lvor?v Mfehirtg ofSheUa or cther orn&meDts« fanqy Reiteiring <rf Muaioal li*strtiments» i&ake* tnd IMi M«diitt«r?« KhMiia, M«ctbhiisis «nd Look> amHluk Dtak in«teu«eiils, «ok^wēe lo order, Qix* us i tmK IS2 Fwi Stret(« Honolulu. tt—&>