Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 355, 29 Kekemapa 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


<Thut Brdther 01eaenf*or soine teacher the Kamehamha Syhool, in playing S|antoClaus, got scorehed %vith fire and at one time thought he was neaij the lake of bnmstone.

That A. K, Williams is asked to be casclidatfe for Representative o£ the Distnct !of Ewa and Waianae. That he has not decided yet \vhat he shall do.

v That the | Enternational Liberal Lcague will iiolcf it« fegular mecting to*night. |

That opiu|m is so p!entiful arbund our ses-coast, tbat_one schooner Caotain. picked up a lot, aud 30 heavy were the cases that tackles from the schooner had to be used to huist it out t>f iho sea. He managed t.o lanti it safely in Honoluln, and got from a Chraese Āmi, $4000, an otßcial was laid on to the swa£. and being a high flyer, oo» thing short of $5000 satisfied him. It is no wtti4filer tliat the Messenger Boodlers ūTqexrmtrd.


S. We dtjßire n mor« liberal pol!cy tn» AA>«rds th« iiilferent l»land8 of ihe Eing< doin, outpide of Oahu ; th«y sho%ikl r©~ cei\-e a fairer proportiou of the publk moiwrys for the <fcvi>lopnieiit of their i«so«m?s and the 6&tfefact!rn of lh«ir \vants. Tn the piiueiple ot hMal **lHmwrnmtet ahoiikl he reteiv<te<2, wheivby givingr loo&lit>es m»y ehow» the | most important of their loeal ex«cntive | virtieers, aad levy tax*s for tbe purpope ; J< ral iiiipi\iveiaenti} of a ouMie •


We endors* »11 m<«sur« t*uding to iraprove the conditioß of tho worki)igcJaBß&,axu} cottseqii*ntty, with- i «£injurittdrcvesl«i r&fck wffl adro«ate law® fo pr«v«iit all fturth«r tgr& #t «£ss£ whkh will briag || into a mlama **d Haw*i ianor whit* «W. W» ahaH aH>» i» th&ittt«ft«* of th% btto» $Hfktectloii

ī i'ina Hooi>bnopmio a me Punlvu. itix'DAV. īj]j(-0. ; '>r.

|. 1». T^wea]i&y [ Joa imvehit]ierto prereaitftd. akyjwfts|A%:- ; ment oi an independent eWol ; the pubiic lj&nde have bee& aeqpp^sw*:' have beea tied up m a lrgir - parcellejt to suit favotites, and smail farmers and planters have beese driye» . 3ut by corporations or mmhmaMmm ei fjjnitftli.st.fi : hnt ta — iuciye to the stābility of tbe State, It. should pe encsuraged by a new aad morelib<?ral Homestead aei, ♦ wbc& - tbe <Jwnerßhip o£ sroall trsnits of lami and the settsement thereon of £amilies of onr pOpnlation;—and «epeeiali ly ol iiie iiafeive bave been l@ft &ls3<jst bcane!esfi in Ihemmim-try.-shoaid be renderred possible. To that end, the GoFernmeDt and "Crown ( in so lar as ean be done withont inyadiog veated rights ) shou3d bedevoted as soon- as po?sibie to boroeeteads, and coiaierred upon bona-ficte settlers free of taxes for a limīted period. shouid be the further aim oi goremment to, at onee, eo far tbe meana of transportf tion, —loeai, n%£kmal and international, —as to provide, in ail tbe dihtricts, eheap eonveying the pr<sdact of tbe soil to marfeet.


11. We ho!t tbat nprigbtand honeei manhood« and not the poß3egsioii o£ wealth, arbitrarily fixed, should constithe right to vote for nobles as well as representatives, and Sō" ~more powep should he aeeord*d to the ballot o£ the rich m«m tfean to the ballot of the poor man. Th6 diserimuiation in favor ol wealth no% made in our Constitnti©A is contrary to all the eternal principles of right and he abotigh~ ed. To tliis end, we'wiiī lavor a )eveling of t.he preseiit <UstiDction of wealth and classes whieh blemish our la»a \v :t h respect of the right to vote for nobies, thereby restoring to the native privilegee whieh pertam to them iu their own couatry, and ōf whieh tliey have b®en nniastly deprived.


12 We favor the expenditnre of 'puĪ!ī- -! gums to seenrta »iirober of «, ; public improvements on Oahn and other ; Islands; hool, raĀlroads harbdrs !and_wharves, puhlie light, and also g> |ihorough Hyatem of xeservoirfi an«t | \vater-\vorfcs, not only for Honolulu, but through-out the other TsTands.