Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 355, 29 December 1891 — There She Blows! [ARTICLE]

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There She Blows!

Last Sunday night the cry of "there she blows!" was faintly heard* by the seaside rcsidents fo Kapiolam P;ir k, in the region of Mr. Henry cuttage at the Park, lately rented t.o a eouple of capitalists; It. appcars, so the story goes, that a schooner was prowling in the offing at Waikiki, when a voiee was heard to eome from her, calling out : Whale. eh! Whaie, ahoy ! and lights. apparentiy aa signa!s were seen to flas.h, as mystic Bigns to some ono 011 the bcach. We have been preac.hin? to our readers, in the i>ast six ioonths, to £e on the WHtc.h for sign*, as an indication of cotuing eveuts. :nid now we are able to tliat these are of the signs whieh give evi* depce <>f tho rottenness of these d:ivs, :is was pr«>£)het«icd would bo the same ns? nt Llm days of Sodom and^omnrrn.h.