Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 354, 28 December 1891 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
NOTICE. LADIEB wishins tbeir feat|ierB dyed or olean«d and cnried ean have it dcme by MRS. WERTHEKN. 103 Beretan»a Street LADIBS vishing to parify their con>plexion and cradiate taa and freckles will he instucted bv MRS. WERTHERN free of charge. 103 Beretania £treet past the Armorv. Sl7—d3m* - Publie NoticeKnow ail men by this notk« that from and after thiB I have this day charged Mr. H. C. Ulakoa, from aeting as an agent, foraw in any oenee whaiever% In thecharge and admml6tratioa of ail my property, and ia the colbctioa of all dnee and rents apon any and all my estate in thie kingdnm. Any one who holda or is in posBeseion of any prooerty or who has any haalMa or payments to make, wiil traasact th« s»me with mo persanallr. at my pknee at Honaas*h&, at HonolnliL, uahn. KAPIOLASL per Jos. Nawah^» Honolnlii Nov. S, 1891. d~Sm. THE PACIFIC NO- - WORKS, A. lIEKINO. Pr*>prietor. UNPERTAKES ALL KINDS of Carving and Tunniog i. Wooits or Ivory. Polishing ofshelk or cth*r ornan)ent«, fancy Penoo Painting. Repairihg and *Cl6amng Musicai IttsUviueiiid, Guo»» Scal«*s* and any Light M«obiMrT. l£l<*ctrieians, Machinists and LoekDks, Instrum©ats, MoMs, eet v iaade to order. Giw us a trial. 182 Fo*i Stwl, Hooolulu, 345tf—4,