Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 354, 28 Kekemapa 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]
J Tlmt Mr, īyOt j henstein hit tbe | mattor when oe advisod the p.v.p> ;o - ♦ ; n *Tiunciatiōn of j>rinciptos frOiX» Mr. AltxaiKi6r j Youn , beforo vot ng for him Hut !it 18 just like a sngar-coated candi« dato J 8 ehoek to apk * through its tool, a nomina.tion for Noble. wiihout making known his paineiplee,
the sugar-coated interests having none for theirj candidates to advance except free trade in favor of sugar and eheap labor, both at the sacrafice of the rigiits of all classes except the money lender, sugar aa;ent and &ugar pldntation own "T. _ I That Hilo ānd tbe public interest wSuld be beeti &erved if they could get Mr. Loheneiein to represent them instead of an iron-monger from another island. - ... ■■ :-' - . .. : V ' /,- - -J That the Mechanics Union has inview just such another gentle? man for a candidate for Noble, in the persoaof Mr. J. N* S. Williams, of the Uiiīon ~_lron Works. That therē*must be a * f nigger" in the foundry business to be seryed, when the iron manufacturerg are so anxious to figure |as Brassey ? s in the House of Parliament 5'"■ r That J. N. Kapalm is sanguiue of his election !as representative for Kau, since the i slave-drivers system of voting under the inspeetion of a club hammer have been disposed of by the ī ecret vote. Hawaii will now have a fair pla v.
That the stiiallest contridutors to the Columbian Exposition at Ghicago. of all the States iiv tbe Union, are th«j New England States, that revolve around the hub of the U niverse, excppt %ine. That it is believed that the r?kson for this is due to the Heafy investments of L capitai from. thdse States, in mortl gages and sugar stocks in Owhyhee! That the white men who p rofessed to love the Hawaiians last e!ection, and made ali sorts of excuses in £lie Legislature. after| their election, on the enabling act| for a new Constitution are whining about it bec«.use they | are being exposed, and pays it is' done to create race prejudice. It is high time that some prejudice was inveighed agai nst such duplicity and roguery, " whe ther distincion to color or race. *:. That since Bob was snowed ander at the firiman's election, the Scotch Team s t the U tug" has not doneaswell. Cheer up "Robby" and &ive the lgds "Brennan on the More." That there s re some dirty white men, who dishonor the class they belosg to, and some of them are as well better known by their record last Legislature than Mr. Young is by his, as is claimed by the Elele. That with the Elele, u we believe ifc to be a cri.ro*» f«>r any ene to create a race fe*!ing betwecn the difFerent classrs '* hecommunity. >> And 80 wē when Judge Widemann,.tried < - prejudice Mr. 01d*s of Kanv against BushWilcox, esptxM. 1 these two | last helpcd o ox-noble Teu~ !-tmi into the !.«< >re last yeur, \Ui\* us vonr | on gratitude, ! Mr. 4Vhaku,> j mc. _ | Thr\t r»>lh:rv-.' Owhyhee has } i\ y*Ng profession | ūist'*ad of a i;v c mple, *vith a ,few, very u . \,{ exoeptionjs { ' - V I Tliat we ar« . to see the hon* I oml naine "M . ;es" and %>Wor- ' kinguaen' ? \m o x smsll fkction . of disreput-abk io«U meeh&nie?.
That the Elele'e "Lifeeral Pole,' 7 broke jn two, wheo the walte ele« ment of the Nationai Party, that supports it now, turhed iail <m their promise to snpport a u new eonstitation" lasfc session of the Legisla~ tnre, and is * now trying to pilfer another "pole" from Ka Leo. Gan ankiipne/ That the sacred tfirs day of the week, comraonly known as Silnday. was kept alive yesterday with the • sound of revelry and fire-craekei& rmueh. as was in the 4>agan day's of Rome, when the day was sacred to Sol. This is keeping the dav set apart as sacred and ho)v, by a man ordiance, with a vengeance. That the Editor of Ka Lfo wiii opium monopoly scheme, whieh the patrons of the Elele woold like. fco get u there" lo work an act for the special benefit of the Boodlerp.