Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 354, 28 Kekemapa 1891 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Jsditor Ka Leo g IR : — The vi Mess9nger" is very •*vrlui' , because Mr. C. W._ Ash-i f< r t has seen the errorsof his ways,i r•. 'le full eonfession. has received > >lution v aiid is now m accom | with the sovereign people. His de- : tractors are not liaely to follow sucb i p.n excellent example; the flesh- - j ois of Hawaii are too *cleAr unto their souls, and C. W, A:vhford's a?> rtion of his manhood is not ■"Tifcely to have many iuiitators from f»mong the piratical huccanoering ■ea'ne:. who it is said, run the "Mes* - fr. C. W. Asbford is a youftg ■.{ of proved ability ; inexperience * ■■■-' havē carried -away in 'J $87, still he has 1 ' v retired from the xK>sition he tin • -ook up, pnd proposes now to fall into line i.iid preach a liberal pelitical gosp)/! ;or the people, with the people, * nd government by the people. The 's" Hessians have ne ! ;er the manhood. the piineiple, . the honeBty to go do likewise. No, all they aspire to is to dig more tl potash" frotn thegovernment mine; and tbeir sentiments| are u the public be damned, «re are the people and all sense will die with us." etc. etc. Fortonately Vl tbe dirtv half hundred'* have not the requisite to carry auy particular line of action to a succ.essful issue. Who are Mr. Ashford's detractors ? (doubie traitorp. both in 1887 and again in 1890). Let them ekow their beads and noses. If one tnay judge by their voracious avar"c ousness they should hail frora tbe other side of Jordan, and if ihat eminent apostle Judas leeariot were living in our days they wGuld do him out of his best bargain bv going him one better; prettv specimens they are fco tbrow •.• )nes at a penitent political sinner, who has Recanted and declares honest inteations for the future. Mr. C. W. Ashford is one of the -eaisdidates 6f the International Liberal __ League for representative, *nd the ,4 Messenger" gang will mīl to snow him under, even with 7 Wp of the P. C. Advertiser. By he way what an unholy allianee. Voter.