Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 353, 25 December 1891 — Platform of Principle OF THE HAWAIIAN NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY. [ARTICLE]
INDEPENDENCiS OF THE COUNTEY It should bethe farther aim ot gOTernment to, at onee, so far improve the means of transportf tion, —loeal, natioxi> provide, in all the districts, eheap meane of eonveying the pr@d|tct of the soil to market. , KLECTORAL RIHGT. 11. We hold that upright and honest manhood. and not the po6seesion of •wealth, arbitrarily fixed, shoul«[ eonBtithe right to vote for nobte® as well as representativea, and no more shOuld be aecorded to the ballot of the rich i awn . than to the baltot oi the poor ihan. The in favo» of no\v- made in our ConstitetioA te co.ptrary- to all the eternal pnneiplee of *and justice, and m«Bt be aholiahed. ,* % tliis end, we will favor a le?eling of the preeent distinc<aO« ©f "wealth and classes whieh hīemieh our law» with respect of the right to vote for nol>tes, thereby reetoring to thc native Hawailana privileges whieh pertain to them in their owa country, and of whieh they have been T»niustly deprived. INTEUNAL IMPEOVEMENTS 12 We fav?Tr the expenditure of soflisums to secwe a number of needed public improvementB onOahu and other lslands; school, raiiroads and harbors and \v-harves; puhlie light, and also a ; thorough syatem of reservoirs and water-worfcs f not ouly for Honolulu T \»ut ! throu«h-out the other Islands.