Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 353, 25 Kekemapa 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]
; That the P. C. Advertiser j So!itative? were notably absent fro»i ' public meetings. ,and on the street | last Tuesday evening; that it was | due to the indiscriminate and too pointed auaiomieal a)lusions whieh the editor has beeo dieplaying in his analysls of the peculiar idyosvncracies ofhutnan uature in some of natures noblē creatures. TUat the foliowers who nominated U H. G. C. ,f fbr noble r .l&ng lound oiit h<; wasignoble. —a nant breaker. Tliiit |Busa - \Vikox- are bluhied fbr«tbe WaikiKi Bridge, jo"b, while s©mcbody else of course gets the HowUe. Tliat it was thoy who put Torumy in the I.egiSlaturo, Lucas J man. and thev aro to blanje..for not knowing a»iy better. Tluii -Uii» Workiugcaen\s f*cli tionl Associātion aro exposing their hand whilo ī lio sdcct 500 are on a stiil hunt. Tha { many {HX>r pwph- 1 > Kalukana nnd IV Jojies t un this" .aiinual dnv it is onjv aftor wo loyeour -faieiHls, lhat we t*f»preoi}Ue thoir kindne.<®s. Fhat 1 bt- Queen gnvo a hundr-?d do!lars (o tho proaon« r of tho Kanmkapili Oiurvlh a* tho uluin t-ohoar(>fif nf?orwards
That. Wilson's- seu a poor wahine the blue gate, but are afraid to see any wrong :n the Chinese s'tnks ana hell holes in China iown fpr fear of spoiling the Boodle, and lj>osing their pay& * That a second hand invitation was extended by the Union to theHui Kalaiaina to form a co-part-nership. Even then the corporation would only be a baker's dozen. ThatMr.J. L. Kaulukon calls a mass m§eting to denounce the Reform P«lrty and the Ministry for ftee trade eession of Puuloa, andJ ■ ■ # j ■ ■ ' ' for thinking of annexation or a puhlie, The|man, we thinkisgdae daft.. i That J ohn A. Cummins is the boss for the| Keform Party, and |ibat §entleman claims he has the latter under | his SUpervision. That_ this must l»eTfie joker behind the feiice. That John L. Kaulukou announces himself a candidate for Representative for the district of Koolaupoko, under the patronage of the sugar- i;randee of Waimanalo. That Dr. Carpenter an eminenl Ens:lish physi9ian %nd scientist, says, thst u a well-selected vegetable diet is.><capa:>le of producing the highest l>hysical development." Pugilist whetL in training are forbidden meat, gtimulants, and are placed by k their trainer<*, u»der the most rigid temperate course of hygiene. to attiain the greatest physical development. IJhat a man . k tug" tow ell, must do likewise. Tnat the iroral lesson taught in the words u lit not thy left hand know what thv right giveth" is as greēn ahd prc fitable to-day as when j first announ©3d. 1- :
That Boodte Castle may be eon-j rHscated ( in saiiie manner the ] Tweed property was served in New Vork, and Chns. Buckley may have boon cjompanions from the Paradise of the Pacific, to rusticate mid thc perennial snows of the Oanadians Dom|nion. That the Ohristian chaiity tha t will 4, bury the hatchet ,> half way ready to unbiiry it and tomahawk his brother chnstian. has been in Hawaii for oyer S3venty yeare, and is ithe onlv char% that witfe rare exceptibbi, the progenitors of our eariy teachers, are v willing t&extend tOftjheir vi deadly foe'' the L'eo, dn the eve and in C)mmemoration of 4h<*4>irthday of the Saviour. wha«e divine iirec<»pts were, th»t true charity was to hless them that rcrile you and pra> for themthat hate How different is the S|iirit of embodied in the gre« ting of the P. C. Atlvert.ist>r editor to Ka Leo» its**deadlv foe ,% — whose half huried hawkis readv u» be used to olip| the foeV ears ( «s dM Petev with }' that ol the p servant\s ear, j -to that of hunihle Father <TimentNs | iu jiijs simply more loving W;iyJ wheu he undu rdeus bi* tove to his J fellow man in his Christmas ! insj in the o„Jssue of tne T | Tiu?t th« spirit of Chri?tisn oharity itself with >īenrv, the Bciou oi*a l|ueen goodA peddlor an<l hible preriobei\ in rofupuis ohnr;ty lo an overgreeii
merehaM a«d directftig h'm £# go to the Office of Ka Leo arid xts fnends. This~ig thg apirii of At good will" whieh most of the pretended followers of Chrifit in Owy hee' te-day ehow ort the eye of Christmas. Ah Willie the niortgager would do well to forgive the poorn!ortgagees he has tied up in a bundie iri his office, and the old Qoeen Street miser imitate the widow and her mite ip Btead of blarting hfs chari\ ; ties to the foar oerners of t&e earth.