Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 353, 25 December 1891 — Supreme Justice McCully Says the United States Will one Day Assume Control. [ARTICLE]

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Supreme Justice McCully Says the United States Will one Day Assume Control.

Chicago. Nov. 24.-In an interyidw taday Hon. Lawreucw McCully, supreme justice of the suoreme court of Hawaii, said: "When the present government of Hawaii eollapses, the United not EngTand or any power, will assnme eontrol. That is practically settled m the Hawaiian foreign office. I say acollapse is a certainty, becau«e the Hawaiian race is a weabening one. From a strength of hundreds of thousands, it Eas dwindled down to 34.000. and is fast growing less. Foreiecners predōminate, Americans especially,-and while all are intensly pleased with the native rule, thefe will eome a tim& when that rule will no longer lie with the dark skinned fnends of tbe X3nited States. The future of Hawaii as conceded by the best minds there. is that she is to be, the cross-road the Gibratar of the gTeat Pacific. Upon the eomplelion of either the Nicaraguan or Panama eanal, Hawaii being the only )and northof the equator in the direct center of all the crossing lines ōf she must be in charge ot a nation with strength enough to protect the commerctv That nalion is the Un)ted States,