Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 353, 25 Kekemapa 1891 — INTERNATIONAL LIBERAL LEAGUE. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


A meeting of the above associatioa was held at Robinson Hall on Tuesday evening, of the 22nd4nst. Mr. E. W. F. Wolters, Vice-Presid-ent, iri the chair. ' Mr. Huntsfoan tbe first speaker said, that as stand charged with causing i» . «the workitigmen-« party, he , . ald move ā-» revolution that the secretary be instruoted to communicate on behalf of this organizator with the Execucutive Committee of the Mechsnics Ūniop offrring To confer with ithat body on the political issue "o? the day t and concerning nominations for Nobles and Representatives. He was quite assured that there waV noill feeīing between these two kindred that there |is eome personal difierences between certain members, there is no denjrjng; tbree or four sore heads should notbe allowedtolead people by the hundred. The tail m»st not way the dog. Even if nothing eomea out of sucb proposed conferenee, let us show our friends In •the Meehanieā Uiiion , that we are in a pure spirit of democracy, having the divine piineiple of l 'EquaUlight" Mr. O. Cavenagh said, it is not nece3sary to change onr name. A eombined workingnien's ticket w«p their objective point. Why not smk l all pemonal difFerences and as a j matter of policy put out a strong ticke , r H' J. E: Bush, here entered the . > ■ and was loudly applauded, in reeponse to a general eall, Mr. Bush took the iloor ahd gave his views_on the gituation in quite a lengthy and eloquent address, &nd wound up by warning the League not to sacrifice of giTe way a si n!point. Ycur platfori* is acceptbf a large native fqilowing; but tf y*u wave thev will eonfidenee in your gnt. Hold on to whar. you got. Would verv miieh like-

< k) be willi our friotKlB in tbe Mo- ; ehanie'K l»nion, an<i thev are weli eome to thc t>est \vr LXot._ W]iile aekno'.v)c(lging thiil* v t}ie intorest9 of ali ineobanics atul lab<nTrs. are I identicai, putiing your power into s»lid .sbaj/0. Is the next fhing. The pr( vailing seMitiment aniougst th« b >sos is to cut wages dowti and to f?vipplant yoy wilh (. hi:itsu and Jap.mese (the nere <;ite(il ma-v oppressive easo.-). \Vben Min;srer of InterLor . h'e" \vas verv mneh olanK'd hv righ(e4ua for p-i.y : nc ia.horinsr-hmmi •12'|)er day (- ut ippiui;- ". 1: i ni m is not- woi'!!) $'2 ]»< r <!.• v he :> nor ;• n(» # iiit.:. T . O;-: j-r. <=»•:»i nnu»s?rv tlte wcak«**l i:i m: »iy yeai's\ rii;*v >t b».»:hir M»: '! tvM»is m t.n Ikj.«>

U'T'away th(MndepcD:lcnee &f this country. If any cbange is to take p*ace let us have who!esale annexktion not of the bastard sort that will only benefit 50 or 60 people and make the rest alkslaves. We will have no sueh thing, and for my part I wish to see the autonomy of the country preserved one with ? not so with some of the foreigners here they are on the sell out, they want to sell the islands. ¥Hh us as head of cattle running -on the pasture (thrown ioto the bargain) manuwahi.