Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 352, 24 Kekemapa 1891 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

—— = ; NOTICE. LADIES wisbiDg their feathers dyed or eleaned arrd curled ean have it dane by MRS. WERTHERN. 10S Beretanta Street. «• LAPIEB wishing to purify their cotqplexioa and cradla + o tan and frecktes will he instucted -\v MRS. WERTHERN j free of oharge. 103 Beretania Street past the Armory. 317--d3m* Public Notice. Know all men by tbse notice that from aiid after this daie, I hfcve this da? dischaiged Mr. H. UhOeou, fnan actmg *a an agent, in*ay B&bsq ey«\in the*dMge *ad adiraisUa*l<* °f »y andiatl» eoUeOkm dßee and r%nts upon any and aU my this kioga»&, Aay oae whohoM«w>rie in of any proj>erty orwfeohas*ayb»Bi*«» ©r payaaente t» auftß>, wiU tnui6act the eaH» wiih me p«rB<mally. at my plaee at Homta*aha, at Oaha. KAPIOLANI. per Jos. Nawahi. ♦ Honoiolu Nov. S, 1891. d-3m. THE PACIPIC NO- - WOBKS, A. KEEINO. _ Proprietor. T TNI>EKT4KES AJLL { Ckrving an<4 Turmug in | Woods or Ivory, Polishing <xfShellB |° r ptber omaments, fancy Fre«oo j Paipung. Repairihg and Cl*aning |of Musi<jal ldltraine«tts, Gnms Scales, and any Light Machink4s and Loekatniths. i>ieB, XnBUnm«itss Models, oei, nia<k to order. OĒ* Qmvus a lriaL IS2 Fort Stroet , HnnoUln, 345 tf—«l.