Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 352, 24 Kekemapa 1891 — Platform of Principle OF THE HAWAIIAN NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


INDEPENpENCi£ OF THE COUNTRY Jtn>JCIARY REFORI££ 2. Out of eon,sideration for theinherent rightsand preeent opiniooe ofthe native popnlation, we dersire to retain tbe inde|K»ide]ics of the Country and defeiid its autont>mv, under'a Rherat ap<l popnlar form of government4 but cmr Treaties with Poreign Powers, and eepeeialty with the Uhited State& of Amwie». should be revisedi, eo āfe to feetter meet ,preeent necessities and to oV i niore equitable.advfmtagee inexchai,. those granted by us. | 3.10ur Judiciarv syHtem and Codtf of Procediire must be submitted taa thorough revision, so as tp secure a eheap and or©mpt ofjustice,free oi all sectarian o&.patisan epirit, and to render the Judges more oireetly responsible to the anei we are in favor of a more liberal inter|pretation ol Constitutionai guarantees of the freedom of epeeeh and the pre«s. TAXATION 4. A more justs,and perfeet system of Taxation muat be inaugurated, to abo. Jish,the present ineqnalities, by whieh the property of tlie poor is excessively t§xed, whiie mueh of goodfiare underfvalaed W assessment 5 "of that will more effectrtally eubject the property of corporati< ns And rich citil:ens to their just proporti(Ai <rf puhlie burdens, while |granting more liberal exemptions to the poor; and as a means of discouraglng £he lōcking lip oi large tracte oi KneuVtivated lands, a differential tax should be levied in addition to the usual assessmen« envaluation.which nhoula be in proportion to the fertility of the soil* We shall also favor establishment of a jgradu*ted income-tax, and thus expect to obtain ample funds for conducting the governjaaent and attendiāg te all necessary public improvements without any fhrther calls on the n®asses. | ■ MONOPOLIES 5. We shall use our efforts to obtain laws by whieh all favoritism in the go».ernment and all monopofies» trusts and privileges to special classes shali "be rendered impossible, by full, definite and maOTdatory sjtatut^. 6. Better laws should regulate the Civil Service. The| prmciple of 4he oieetion of officers of the government by the people should be established, and no man «iould be allowed to hold* more than'one ©ffice of prQfit, whilst palaneA should be adWukte <^inpensa Afbr the sarvioes rendered, All e«cef«siVe salaries should be reduced and all einecuree ear aupeHluoua oiEeea abolished. PROTECTION T0 HOME IND^STRĪES 7. We are in favor of eneouraging all home agriculture and mdostiieß, andai! our native producte, like rioe, coffee, wool. tobaoco, etc. should be protected and foetered by proper tariff regnlatfon; and also it must be tlie duty of the liovnient, in its contiracts and other o»>erations, to give preference to national*products over imnor|ted ones, PUBLIC SERVANTS. LOC AL >SEI>-GOVER^EOT S. We desire ajiaore liberal policy towara6 the different Isla»ids of the Kinirdom, outside of Oalai; they shouid receive a fairer proportion of ihe public moneye for the de\%lopmen*of their re*»uroeB and ihe satiBfcctim of thwr wante. In «tct, the principie of loeai Self-government ehould be exw»ndvHi, vvhereby giving lo«Uities may ehow* the most «nportant Mth*ir loe*i «xecittive offlcert, aud levy tax«« for the pnrpe» lci*al imi>rov*melkta of a nuhlie natuiv. protectiox io thk :Üboi:riSs 9. We ahall endorse aU Tneapnre tending te i«tprove the o«>ndition of the working clasees, and vithout injuriug any v*wted rightn, we wfit advocate laws to pre\-ent al) further importatiop or empk»yiiient of coatraei> labor ot any kind» upon eonditions whieh wiH bring it into a miimM and d*gradinft conipetition with ireo Hawai ian or white labor, We ehall aK m the iateroet oC OW beUer nrotectic > n

... , , J A, : ...■ -■ BST:.; BMAUL .ANI) HOME | ■ HTKADiS. ' ■■■ ' ■"■" | 10. The wealthy fraction of oarjpopula- ; «ion have hitl'erto i>reveuted the develop~ i mcnt <>f an independent claes of citiKens; fche puluie iands have been acquired and have beēn tied up in a few hands or par<«lled to suit favontes, and eniall faricers and j>lanters have been driven »ot by eorporations or combmationg oi capitahsts; but ae emall farming is eoa - iucive to the stability of the State, it Bhoiild pe eiiC@uraged by a new aud • more liberal Homestead act, by wheh the ownership of emall trocts of land and the settlement thereon of familjes of our present popnlation,—and especiali \y of th& native Hawaifans who have- . been left almost in ther#coun-try.-should be rendered- possible. To tliat end, the Goverament and C»'own lands, ( in so far as ean be done withent invadmg vesfced rights ) should be de*Oted as soon ae possibief to homegteads. and eoßlerred upon boiia-fide settlera free of taxes for a limited perjod« Ifc should be the farther aim of go\-ern-K»ent to, at onee, so far improve the means of transport: tion, —loeāl, national and international, —as to provide, in all the districte, eheapMeanBof ing the pr«duct 0f the-soii to markei. KLECTORAL KIHGT. 11, We hold that upright and honesst manhood, and not the poesession of W«alth, arbitrarily fixed, shoul«l constithe right to vote for nobles as well as repreBentative9, <and no jaaore power should be a<;corded to the baliot of the rich man than to the ballot of the poor man- The discrimination in |avor of wealth now made in our Constitutioa is contrary to all the eternal pnneiplee of right and justice« and muet be abolished. To this end, we will favor a leveling of the preeent digtinction of wealtli and claeses whieh blemish our lsws with respect of the right to vote for nobles, thereby restoring to the native Hawaiians pertain to them in their owa country, and of whieh j t thcy havo becn ruiinßtly deprivod. INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS 12 .We fovor tUe expenditure of Bufficient sumB to &ecare a number of needed public improvements onOahu and other lBlandft; eehool, railroads and harbora and wharves, puhlie light, and also a thorough syatem of reeērvoirs asd water-worfee, not only for Honolnhi, bat throuah-out the other Jslands. i /;■■■:' 'V. - .