Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 352, 24 December 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]
Tiiat dp':„-ht to baik and hile, . And bears antl lion growV a«<l Bnt "tis sad to see a i:r# at big"whalei After a diminutive Hoog flail — With his flip{M3r« and withhis tail, This ponderonp sleigh-lmmmer whalō. ----- V,.. — ■ TThat 011 e of the eottsges of the Boodle Palaee is to let. Thi? ad. is frre. » Thafc the Hawaiian National Farty will hold their regnlaiL_iaeeUDg thifi evening at the 01d Armory. That sugar is said by a Kohala sugar plantation owner and planter at seventy five dollars a ton gross. That the ĒWa G?abbe ls quite unhappy because its record as a crawler was shown up m Ka Leo. That the Hon. Horatio G. Crabbe is excited because he fs honorably employed as one of the cars of the Ewa Railwav. Dont be ēxcited. That everybddy knows whai Horace Crabbe was and is to-day, — he is the. same plan t thart twines around a watēr spout. - That a friendly proposal wag made to restore the amieahle *elations betweenvthe Mechanics. Union and the īnternational Liberal League. The proposal lays in abeyanee. That the Waimanalo Grandee <bless"tße mark) einploysMt on the plantation, and perhaps take their pay in canned goods. ThatJ Hawaii for Hawaiians so said tbe hapa haole-grandee, .as 'ne chuckled to himself as he pondered over his success in renewing the lease of ten thou 6and acresof land for a nomoiral sum. ; That J. N. S. is talked of ip a Reform candidate to be ?iominated by the Mechanics Union. Itseem6to us that Mr. W. is a little too fresh in the country to give savor to any party, except perhaps by mutely responding in the usual ihaimgr. That Archie, the laddie from the land for whom the warm-hearted Wallaee bled, thinks that fifty cents a day is sufficent for the ordinary laborer. As air economist the nohle Scot is a jewel, excent in the case of his own asā&ry t *thenhe thinka it wa ta sma mdeed. That the Advertiser had a letter from Maui in one 188116, and an answer to il frpm Hilo the next day. It is possible that the young editor has occult means of eommunlcating wHh Becky Bharp olHik*? How low the great, moral, Heform Pr»nv ims fallento hide behind such ?übterfuges in order to throw mud ! at the leaders of the Liberal Part.y! I Possiblv the editor of the P. C. A. | has iherwvnl patent to opcrate pneu- } matic messages by means of tubes J ar.d \vAter power. That Ho^aUo 1 ? consc?ence disturbed him so muehou the vote on the act to enahle a conßtitutional conventiou to be oalled, that he rose before voting to explain whv ho didn*t do as hepromtsed in aecordanee wiihJhe fhirtl article uf thc National Party Plitfbrm. Bah!
| That meeting of the l Refortn crowd. where, we will not ! menion f>r ttie|sake.of some *lm | were present, th!at had a litUe sense where the propc>sition was made toj ju& Messrs. Nawahi, Bush, līuntfe-. | nwn and Wilcox,and they be keptin limlx) uniil after the election. A gentleman, whom we wiil not state 5 said, that after the arrest of these gentlemen, then it would certainly be necessary to' arrest four thousand more ofthjs same crowd. What nonsense.