Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 352, 24 Kekemapa 1891 — An Honorable Act [ARTICLE]
An Honorable Act
We arē reJoiced to record some eood acts on the part of our judiciary, and more e§pecially where acts of honor stand out as examples of the integrity that shonld characterise the Bench. A few daye agO, and very soon after; his" return, Jtlige McCully, was called upon, as a matter of dutv tor act in his official capacity, in cases where the other jtidgE» \vere disqualiSed by law from acting. It appears that the jndge, who had ihe same legal impediment in his way in Ihe eonduct #f the eaie, though uot as mueh perhaps as the others, was 6ipected would nofe notice ,the disqualification that would debar him onthe ground perhapfi of .ite insignificanoe, but to the surprise of many, the gentleman of the ermine em|>lKLtically stated iu open court h4slbabi]ity to sit afi judge in the! eaae to eome up before him. T t is j farther known to his credit. that j he had deelared that judges should j be a hove b°ing stockholders inbusi j noss ( ori)oraiions, but as? no notiee! hud been taken this ho had I participated in U)c c\isting f3shion, b?li€wing p<»rhaps that being alone in hie views, he was in orror. This is one of the fbw exceptions in turor of the system of appoiuting judges of the superiorcoui t.