Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 352, 24 December 1891 — There She Blows! [ARTICLE]

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There She Blows!

A great big sehool of whales were heard making quite an uproar in *the of the Hawaiian Hotel, » day or tWo ago, and one of them, a 240 bow-head whale. was heard to spoul to his eomrade t a bigjdevil fish,* and in the presence of fin backs, right whalcs, sperm whales, California grays, atid pop&y whftles, that he would sWallcfw- the P. C. Advertiser re-i porter, as was done with Jonah ini —We would advioe| our felloi#reporter not to approach ! too near the fiukes of these piaeatorial members of the smoking o r poppy club, whieh meander the land and oeean like wanderi*g spi- , rits fcom Pluto's unless he is armed with a whaleman's v bomt>gun, harpoon and lanee, wherewith |to control the spouting of such | blubbery elements. There is no | real danger from the spouting ex- | cept perhaps the stam from the contract. s